Program12th Göttingen Meeting of theGerman Neuroscience SocietyMarch 22 – 25,
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Program12th Göttingen Meeting of theGerman Neuroscience Society36th Göttingen NeurobiologyConferenceMarch 22 - 25
FiberOptoMeterAnzeige: npi 1Optogenetic Stimulation & FluorescenceMeasurement via the Same FiberCa2 fluorescence signals (OGB-1)Data kindly provided by Dr. A. Stroh and M. Schwalmnpi electronic GmbHPhone
Welcome Address4Acknowledgement6Exhibitors8Exhibition Floor Plan16List of Advertisers18Awards20Young Investigator Stipends22Young Investigator Orals in a Symposium24Young Investigator Orals in the Breaking News 25Committees and Organization26General Information28Map of Göttingen29Neuro-PartyScientific Program34Neurowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V.44Plenary Lectures46Workshops48Satellite Symposium52Symposia58General InfoWorkshops/Symposia Scientific ProgramTable of ContentsPostersTable of ContentsPoster Topics131Poster Contributions135Authors’ Index213Keyword Index243Participant Addresses255Program at a glance3003Keyword Index130AddressesExplanation of Abstract NumbersAuthors’ Index35
Welcome AddressWelcome AddressWelcome to the 12th Göttingen meeting of the GermanNeuroscience Society which, in fact, is the 36th GöttingenNeurobiology Meeting, which long before the GermanNeuroscience Society was founded, was created by the lateOtto Creutzfeldt (1927 – 1992) together with Ernst Florey(1927 – 1997). The intention was to provide a platformfor all those interested in topics of neuroscience and to mixscientists from the field of biology and medicine, and toalso mingle those working in basic neuroscience with thoseworking in clinical neuroscience, in 1973 a truly visionaryidea. We are proud that the German Neuroscience Societystill keeps this tradition, and we fully value the important roleof the late Norbert Elsner in maintaining thistradition in accompanying the transition from a purely voluntary meeting of interested scientists to a biannual meeting ofthe German Neuroscience Society. We are also very gratefulto the present local organizers who still keep this tradition.Since its beginning the conference has enormously grownin size and has significantly broadened in spectrum. It nowcovers a wide range of research fields in the neurosciencesincluding vertebrate and invertebrate systems, molecular,cellular and systemic neuroscience, neuropharmacology,developmental, computational, behavioral, cognitive andclinical neuroscience.This year we received an exceptionally high number of symposium proposals, leaving the Program Committee with thedifficult task of making a selection from all these high rankingsuggestions but being an indication of the attractiveness ofthis meeting. We are very happy and pleased that we couldattract such high profile scientists to our meeting and we verymuch look forward to their presentations. We would like toespecially highlight the featured lectures, some of them witha long-standing conference tradition. In addition, we willhave lectures by two young neuroscientists who have beenawarded the scientific prizes of the German NeuroscienceSociety, the FEI Technology Award for excellent achievementsin developing novel techniques in neuroscience, and theSchilling Research Award, which is donated by the SchillingFoundation.This meeting is known for its lively atmosphere largely dueto the participation and important contributions by youngscientists. We have received approx. 750 poster submissionswhich are first authored by young scientists. Again, we hadencouraged students to participate with an oral presentationand have reserved special slots for them in each symposium.In addition, despite of the high number of excellent symposium proposals, we kept one “Breaking News Session” to alsogive young scientists the opportunity of an oral presentation.We thank all these young scientists for their interest in themeeting and their invaluable contributions.4
Welcome AddressOther features of the Göttingen meeting are the SchramFoundation Satellite Symposium prior to the meeting and thisyear two more satellite symposia, one on „Integrative analysisof olfaction”, and one on „Brain in a dish“- explant and stemcell models of neurodegenerative diseases”, the PublishingWorkshop on how to successfully submit a paper for publication, the workshop on communicating animal researchand the DFG-workshop on how to start a scientific career.We would also like to sincerely thank all sponsors and, in particular, our commercial partners who exhibit in the hall. Withouttheir generous support many amenities and „hallmarks” ofthe meeting such as the free buffets in the evening would nothave been possible! We are also very grateful to the Universityof Göttingen for providing the venue for the meeting andin particular the German Research Foundation (DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft, DFG), whose continuous financialsupport is gratefully acknowledged and allowed us to invitemany internationally renowned scientists.This meeting would not be successful without the enormousengagement of the local organizing team. Therefore,very special thanks go to Martin Göpfert as Head of theDepartment of Cellular Neuroscience and his dedicatedcrew who tremendously supported the Central Office of theGerman Neuroscience Society in Berlin. We also thank thelocal neuroscience community in Göttingen for making thismeeting possible.The full contents of the meeting, including abstracts willbe provided again on CD, as a citable supplement to thesociety’s journal Neuroforum.Finally, we would like to remind you that the Göttingenmeeting is biannual and alternates with the FENS Forum,which will return to Berlin hosted by the GermanNeuroscience Society. We would like to encourage you tocontribute to this large-scale European neuroscience meetingas well and hope that you will support the Berlin conference (July 7-11). We hope to see you there, and atthe next meeting of the German Neuroscience Society onMarch 20 to 23.Enjoy the meeting in all its aspects, posters, talks, symposia,scientific discussions, new equipment, new technologies, butalso do not forget the humane aspects of such a meeting - inmeeting friends, making new contacts and, in general, enjoythe great atmosphere.Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim PflügerPresident of the German Neuroscience Society5
AcknowledgementAcknowledgementThe German Neuroscience Society (NWG) and theorganizers of this meeting gratefully acknowledge thecollaboration and the financial support of the followingpartners:Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)Bereich Zelluläre NeurobiologieGeorg-August-Universität GöttingenHerrmann und Lilly Schilling-Stiftung fürmedizinische Forschung im Stifterverband für dieDeutsche Wissenschaft, EssenFEI Munich GmbH, GräfelfingGertrud Reemtsma Stiftung, MunichRoger Eckert Fund, GöttingenGemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung, Frankfurt/MainSchram-Stiftung, Essenand Marina Matyash, Berlin,for providing the cover figure.6
Adding efficiencyto your fluorescenceimaging.ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7Anzeige: Carl ZeissAnzeige: Thomas Recordingtus aV i s i t h #2 .bootYour automated platformfor live cell imagingImagine the ease of use and automation of a boxedmicroscope – combined with the image quality andflexibility of a classical research microscope. Imaginethis system calibrates itself, detects and focussesyour samples and adaptive optics adjust themselvesautomatically. ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7 is your reliableautomated research platform. No matter if you workwith 2D or 3D cell culture, tissue sections or smallmodel organisms. With Celldiscoverer 7 you increasethe efficiency of your research. You acquire betterdata in a shorter time.
Exhibitors (A - B)ExhibitorsThe conference is generously supported by:Acal BFi Germany GmbH (Booth No. 44a)Oppelner Straße
Anzeige: MicroBrightField GmbHAnzeige: Omicron-Laserage9
Exhibitors (B- F)Blackrock Microsystems (Booth No. 52)Feodor-Lynen-Straße 35, 30625 Hannover BrainBuds (Booth No. 59a)Boskoopstraße 9A, 60435 Frankfurt Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH (Booth No. 2)Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10, 07745 Jena Charles River, Research Models and Services,Germany GmbH (Booth No. 16 17)Sandhofer Weg 7, 97633 Sulzfeld Chroma Technology GmbH (Booth No. 60)Maximilianstraße 33, 82140 Olching Clever Sys Inc. (Booth No. 62)11425 Isaac Newton Square, S. Suite 202,Reston VA, USA CoolLED Ltd. (Booth No. 51)Westmarch Business Centre, River Way, Andover, SP10 1NS, UK - Der Kosmos im Kopf (Booth E)Max-Delbrück-Center Berlin-Buch, 13125 Berlin Data Sciences International (Booth No. 15)Tulpenhofstraße 18, 63067 Offenbach Digitimer Ltd. (Booth No. 35)37 Hydeway, Welwyn Garden City AL7 3BE, UK Eicom Europe (Booth No. 33)Hilton House, 3 Ardee Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6, Ireland Evolocus LLC (Booth No. 12)177 White Plains Road, 42B, Tarrytown NY 10591, USA FENS (Booth B)Fondation Univ., Rue d'Egmont 11, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Exhibitors (F - L)Anzeige:A P PMicroBrightFieldL I E D S C I E N T I GmbHFICI N S T R U M E N TAT I O N Products for HighResolution MicroscopyWhether it is a complete system for abiological experiment orAnzeige: Applied ScientificcomplexInstrumenationautomating microscopes andother devices to increasethroughput, Applied ScientificInstrumentation (ASI) has theproducts, people, and partnersto provide a well – engineeredsolution for you.DISPIMCRISPPZ-2000FTDual Inverted SelectivePlane IlluminationMicroscopy is an extremelycell-friendly method forimaging live specimensas it only illuminates theregion of the sample thatis being captured andminimizes phototoxicityand photobleachingby 7-10 fold.The CRISP substantiallyeliminates focus drift inhigh-power microscopyapplications by sensingminute changes betweenthe objective lens and thespecimen’s cover slip. Italso allows a specimen toremain accurately focusedfor hours at a time withan accuracy of 5% of theobjective depth of focusand maintains focus whilescanning in XY.The PZ2000-FT Stage isa perfect solution foryour super resolutionmicroscopy applications.The stage is capable ofXY resolutions down tothe 10-20 nm range andZ resolutions to the 1nmrange. It is also capable foruse with rapid z-sectioningand autofocus systems.
Exhibitors (F- L)Fine Science Tools GmbH (Booth No. 3 4)Vangerowstraße 14, 69115 Heidelberg GeneTex International Corporation (Booth No. 42)6F-2, No.89, Dongmei Rd., East Dist., Hsinchu City 300Taiwan, R.O.C. GIF German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Researchand Development (Booth F)GIF Verbindungsbüro c/o Helmholtz Zentrum München,Ingolstädter Landstr. 1, 85764 Neuherberg Hamamatsu Photonics Deutschland GmbH (Booth No. 25)Arzbergerstraße 10, 82211 Herrsching HEKA Elektronik Dr. Schulze GmbH (Booth No. 20)Wiesenstraße 71, 67466 Lambrecht Hugo Sachs Elektronik Harvard Apparatus GmbH(Booth No. 37)Grünstraße 1, 79232 March Informationsinitiative Tierversuche verstehen (Booth D)Hohenzollernring 49-51, 48145 Münster Intavis AG (Booth No. 11)Widdersdorferstraße 248-252, 50933 Köln Intelligent Imaging Innovations GmbH - 3i (Booth No. 31)Königsallee 9-21, 37081 Göttingen Jackson ImmunoResearch Europe Ltd (Booth No. 33a)Unit 7, Acorn Business Centre, Oaks Drive, Newmarket,Suffolk CB8 7SY, UK Lafayette div. Campden Neuroscience (Booth No. 30)Park Road, Leicester LE12 7TJ, UK LaVision BioTec GmbH (Booth No. 28)Astastraße 14, 33617 Bielefeld Leica Microsystems (Booth No. 44)Ernst-Leitz-Straße 17-37, 35578 Wetzlar
Exhibitors (L - N)loopbio gmbh (Booth No. 57)Hauptstraße 93, 3420 Kritzendorf, Austria Luigs & Neumann Feinmechanik & Elektrotechnik GmbH(Booth No. 19)Boschstraße 19, 40880 Ratingen