ACADEMIC LEARNING PACKETSPHYSICAL EDUCATIONVolume 1Copyright 1997, by The Advantage Press, Inc.Limited license to photocopy at purchasing school only.
TABLE OF CONTENTSACADEMIC LEARNING PACKETS: PHYSICAL EDUCATIONINSTRUCTIONS AND SUGGESTIONSLearning Packet #1: VOLLEYBALLStudent Response PacketLearning Packet #2: BADMINTONStudent Response PacketLearning Packet #3: TENNISStudent Response PacketLearning Packet #4: BASKETBALLStudent Response PacketLearning Packet #5: BOWLINGStudent Response PacketLearning Packet #6: SOCCERStudent Response PacketLearning Packet #7: ARCHERYStudent Response PacketPhysical Education Learning Packets The Advantage Press, Inc.
Learning Packet #8: WRESTLINGStudent Response PacketLearning Packet #9: GOLFStudent Response PacketLearning Packet #10: FIELD HOCKEYStudent Response PacketLearning Packet #11: BASEBALLStudent Response PacketTeacher AnswersPhysical Education Learning Packets The Advantage Press, Inc.
LICENSE TERMSFORADVANTAGE PRESS LEARNING PACKETSThe following License Terms govern your use of the Advantage Press, Inc. Learning Packets.1.License Grant.The Advantage Press, Inc. grants you a license to use the LearningPacket Files contained on the enclosed CD. “Use” includes using, storing, loading, installing, executing, and displaying the Learning Packet Files. You may modify the Learning Packet Files.2.Ownership.The Learning Packet Files are owned and copyrighted by The Advantage Press, Inc. Your license confers no title to, or ownership in, the Learning Packet Files and is nota sale of any rights in the Learning Packet Files.3. Copies and Adaptations. You may only make copies or adaptations of the Learning Packet Filesfor archival purposes and for dissemination in the Purchasing School Building. You must reproduceall copyright notices in the original Learning Packet Files and on all copies or adaptations. You maynot copy the Learning Packet Files onto any public network.4.General Use.You may install and use a copy of the Learning Packet Files on yourschool’s computer(s) including network server and portable computing devices by adhering to theprovisions in numbers five and six below.5.Server Use.You may install and use a copy of the Learning Packet Files on yourInternal computer Network for use on computers within the physical purchasing site. No other network use is permitted, including, but not limited to using the Learning Packet Files either directly orthrough commands, data or instructions from or to a Computer not part of your internal network, forinternet or web hosting services or by any user not licensed to use this copy of the Learning PacketFiles through a valid license from The Advantage Press.6.Computer Use.The primary user of the Computer on which the Learning Packet Filesare stored may also make a second copy for his or her exclusive use on a portable Computer provided the Learning Packet Files are not being disseminated onto a computer network outside of thepurchasing site.7.Termination.The Advantage Press, Inc. may terminate your license, upon notice, forfailure to comply with any of the above terms. Upon termination, you must immediately destroy theLearning Packet Files, together with all copies, adaptations and merged portions in any form.Physical Education Learning Packets The Advantage Press, Inc.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION PACKET SYSTEMINSTRUCTIONS AND SUGGESTIONSPhysical Education Learning Packets provide constructive learning experiences forstudents who do not, or cannot, meet physical education requirements. This volumecontains 11 Learning Packets, ranging from volleyball to baseball.The purpose of these Learning Packets is to acquaint students with particular sports orother physical activities. There should be a sufficient variety among these packets tointerest almost any student, whether or not he or she is particularly active in sports.In some cases, you may want to distribute these packets to students who, for physical or health reasons, cannot participate in sports and other strenuous activities, butwho would like to know how games are played and scores are kept so that they canfeel more a part of these school activities, and be a more informed spectator. Physical Education Learning packets will give these students the rudiments of each sport oractivity.You may also have students who have no apparent interest in physical education, andhabitually present a variety of excuses not to participate (such as “forgetting” to bringtheir gym shoes or clothes to class, etc.). These packets can be used as a means of discouraging such students from making excuses for not participating.There may also be students who would like to know more about different sports andwould welcome an opportunity to read about the history and techniques of a particular sport in addition to being a player. In this case, the packets may be used to provideextra credit for such inspired students.Physical Education Packets also provide instant lesson plans for any substitute teacher.All that is necessary is access to a photocopier. As many copies of a packet as neededcan be made. PE teachers can also use Physical Education Packets to introduce a sportor activity to a class. In addition, you may want to use the packets as a unit lesson, andutilize the questions and puzzles for a unit test.Physical Education Learning Packets The Advantage Press, Inc.
Each packet consists of 4 or 5 pages of narrative material for each sport or physicalactivity, including an introduction, history, description of how the game is played, andindividual techniques for playing.After the student has read the narrative, there are 10 questions, a crossword puzzle,and a wordsearch to evaluate student mastery of the materials.INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE PACKETS1.Make extra copies of your Learning Packets. Don’t give students the mastercopies. Save them for making additional copies.2.Give each student one of the packets for him or her to read. Also give him orher the corresponding questions, crossword puzzle and wordsearch puzzle. Eachpacket is designed to be a 45-minute lesson.3.A teacher answer section is provided with each packet for ease of grading.Graded Physical Education Packets can give you an objective assessment toolfor arriving at quarter or semester grades.Physical Education Learning Packets The Advantage Press, Inc.
VOLLEYBALLPACKET # 1INSTRUCTIONSThis Learning Packet has two parts: (1) text to read and (2) questions to answer.The text describes a particular sport or physical activity, and relates its history, rules,playing techniques, scoring, notes and news.The Response Forms (questions and puzzles) check your understanding and appreciationof the sport or physical activity.INTRODUCTIONVolleyball is a popular sport which can beplayed both indoors and outdoors. It appealsto people of all ages and skill levels. It isfast-paced, with constant jumping and running, and thus provides a strenuous aerobicworkout. It also requires mental alertnessand quick, precise physical reactions.Many associate volleyball with the beachesof southern California and in fact, a numberof professional players get their start byplaying beach volleyball. However, volleyball is popular not only on the beaches,but in virtually every country of the world.In 1964, it was officially recognized as partof the Olympic Games.HISTORY OF THE GAMEVolleyball originated in Massachusetts in 1895 when the director of a local YMCA usedthe bladder of a basketball for a ball and a tennis net as the first volleyball net. The gamewas regulated by the YMCA until 1928 when the United States Volleyball Associationwas founded.Physical Education Learning Packets#1 VolleyballText The Advantage Press, Inc.
HOW VOLLEYBALL IS PLAYEDThe name “volleyball” is not an entirely accurate description of this sport. The object ofthe game is hit the ball over the net in such a way that the opposing team cannot returnit.Volleyball is played on a court about 30 feet wide by about 60 feet long. The net is threefeet high and spans the width of the playing area. The top of the net is positioned abouteight feet (in men’s volleyball) from the floor or playing surface. The modern volleyballis about the size of a soccer ball and weighs betweeen nine and ten ounces.The game is played by two opposing teams,with six players on each team. Once the ballis put into play, it is “volleyed” back and forthbetween the teammates up to three times beforeit is hit over the net or until it falls to the floor,is hit out of bounds or a team commits a foul.The same player may not make a hit twice in arow. Even if the ball hits a player by accident, itcounts as one of the three touches allowed perside. However, if a player blocks a spike, theblock is not considered a “hit.”VOLLEYBALL SCORING SYSTEMSRALLY POINT SCORINGThe team winning a rally scores a point. When the receivingteam wins a rally, it gains a point and the right to serve, and itsplayers rotate one position clockwise. The best of three or bestof five games will win matches. Each non-deciding game willbe won by the team that first scores 25 points with a minimumtwo-point advantage. If there is a deciding game, it will be wonby the team that first scores 15 points with a minimum two-pointadvantage.SIDEOUT SCORINGOnly the serving team may score a point, except in the decidinggame when rally-point scoring is used. When the receiving teamPhysical Education Learning Packets#1 VolleyballText The Advantage Press, Inc.
wins a rally, it gains the right to serve (also scoring apoint in the deciding game), and its players rotate oneposition clockwise. Rotation ensures that players playat both the net and the back zone of the court.A team wins a game by scoring 15 points with a twopoint advantage and wins the match by winning thebest of three or five games. In the event of a 16-16 tie,the team scoring the 17th point wins a non-decidinggame with only a one-point advantage. In a decidinggame there is no point cap.Almost all schools have changed from “Sideout Scoring” to “Rally Point Scoring.” Rally scoring looks verysimilar to a side-out game, with the main difference being a point scored every time the ball is blown dead.What constitutes a match when you rally score? Teams will play the best three out offive games. “Game-point” for the first four games will be 25 points. (You must win bytwo points.) The fifth and deciding game is played to 15. (Again, you must win by 2points.)How much time should be allotted for matches that are rally scored? Most three of fiverally matches end in three games. The approximate length of time for a game (not includingwarm-up) is less than 20 minutes. Three-game matches take approximately 60 minutes,while five-game matches take approximately 90 minutes. The nature of volleyball allows games to be substantially shorter when one team is strong and another weak. Rallyscoring no longer accommodates long non-scoring periods during a game or match.What is the “let serve?” The “let serve” is a ball that when served,hits the net without touching the net antenna and continues acrossthe net into the opponent’s court. The let serve is a playable liveball. The let serve is a strategy used to keep the game movingwith fewer interruptions in play.With the “let serve” there is no longer a need to touch the netwhen giving the signal to serve.Time-outs: Each team is allowed a maximum of two time-outsper game. A time-out is a maximum of 60 seconds, although playPhysical Education Learning Packets#1 VolleyballText The Advantage Press, Inc.
may resume sooner if both teams are ready prior to 60 seconds. Extra time-outs are notgranted during rally scoring, nor are time-out accumulative during a match.The game has a total of 15 points. If a team fails to serve properly, return the ball, or commits any other fault, the opponentwins the rally and scores the point. Each game must be wonby a two-point margin. A match consists of either three or five15-point games. The team which wins two (in a three-gamematch) or three (in a five-game match) games is the winner ofthe match.Volleyball requires a referee, who generally has the final wordregarding points in dispute, an umpire who assists the referee,a scorekeeper, a timekeeper and linesmen. Even though theremay be officials present during a game, players who commitfouls are expected to call out their own mistakes.SKILLS AND TECHNIQUESTHE READY POSITION AND JUMPOne of the basic positions in volleyball is called the “ready position.” The knees areslightly bent with hands at waist level and elbows near the body to allow the player toconcentrate on the ball. Players should learn this position so that time is not wasted whenthe ball is hit. Jumping is always done near the net. Players should practice jumping sothat they do not touch the net, or bump into or injure other players. They should alsoremember always to jump parallel to the net.THE SERVE: OVERHAND AND UNDERHANDServing is a crucial skill for the volleyball player to learn. The cardinal rules of servingare simple: do not step on a boundary line, and get the ball over the net.The overhand serve is the most popular and effective serve. It is similar to a tennisserve. The ball is thrown into the air so that it rises a few feet above the server’s head.As the ball comes down, the right arm (if you are right-handed) is raised up and backwhile the elbow comes forward. The arm is then extended at the elbow and the serverhits the ball with the heel of the hand.Physical Education Learning Packets#1 VolleyballText The Advantage Press, Inc.
The underhand serve is a good serve for beginners to use. It is simply another way ofgetting the ball over the net. The ball is held in one hand and hit by the heel of the othe