
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVYCOMMANDER, NAVAL SURFACE FORCEUNITED STATES PACIFIC FLEET2841 RENDOVA ROADSAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92155-5490COMMANDER,NAVAL SURFACE FORCE ATLANTIC1430 MITSCHER AVENORFOLK, VA 23551-2494IN REPLY REFER TOCOMNAVSURFPACINST 3700.1/COMNAVSURFLANTINST 3700.1N427 Mar 13COMNAVSURFPAC/COMNAVSURFLANT INSTRUCTION 3700.1From:Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific FleetCommander, Naval Surface Force AtlanticSubj:AIR CERTIFICATION FOR NAVAL SURFACE FORCE )(o)(p)(q)(r)(s)(t)(u)Encl:OPNAVINST 3120.35KOPNAVINST 3500.39COPNAVINST 5100.19ECOMFLTFORCOMINST 3501.3NAVAIRINST 3120.1COMNAVSURFPAC/COMNAVSURFLANTINST 3500.11COMNAVSURFPAC/COMNAVSURFLANTINST 3502.3Afloat Training Group Pacific User GuideInstruction 3502.1Afloat Training Group Atlantic User GuideNAVAIR Air Capable Ship Aviation Facilities BulletinNo. 1NAVAIR Amphibious Assault Ship Aviation FacilitiesBulletin No. 1NAVAIR 00-80T-106NAVAIR 00-80T-122NAVAIR A1-AV8BB-NFM-000NAVAIR 00-80T-109NAVAIR 00-80R-14NAVAIR 00-80R-19NAVAIR 00-80R-14-1NAVAIR 00-80T-114COMNAVSURFOR SAN DIEGO CA 191614Z Dec 12COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2(1) Sample Message Formats(2) Points of Contact(3) Personnel Qualification Standards(PQS)/School/Qualifications for ACS/LCS(4) Flight Deck Gear/Fire Fighting Equipment for ACS/LCS(5) Aviation Fuel System for ACS/LCS

COMNAVSURFPACINST 3700.1/COMNAVSURFLANTINST 3700.17 Mar 13(6) Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS)/School/Qualifications for AAS(7) Flight Deck Gear/Fire Fighting Equipment for AAS(8) Aviation Fuel System for AAS(9) Training Team Assessment and Drill Guide(10) Flight Deck Operations Demonstration SOE for ACS/LCS(11) Flight Deck Operations Demonstration SOE for LHA/LHD(12) Surface Aviation Operations Bill(13) LHA/LHD Support Equipment Matrix(14) Aviation Facilities Binder Structure(15) AATCC Certification Requirements and Checklist(16) Aviation Facility Certification (AVCERT) Checklist(17) Sample Flight Deck Safety Net Load Test Memo(18) Certification and Sustainment Requirements1. Purpose. To issue policies, procedures and responsibilitiesfor Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet(COMNAVSURFPAC) and Commander, Naval Surface Force Atlantic(COMNAVSURFLANT) ships regarding Air Certification perreferences (a) through (u).2.Cancellation.COMNAVSURFORINST 3700.1B, CH-1.3. Revision. Changes to the cancelled instruction areextensive. It is therefore necessary to review this instructionin its entirety. Forward all change recommendations toCOMNAVSURFPAC (N42) or COMNAVSURFLANT (N42).4. Scope. This instruction is applicable to allCOMNAVSURPAC/COMNAVSURFLANT ships which conduct helicopter, tiltrotor, vertical/short take-off and landing (V/STOL), and/orunmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operations. This instructionreferences numerous supporting documents. Whenever there isconflicting guidance between this instruction and the supportingdocument, the more restrictive guidance shall apply.5. Background. Certain COMNAVSURFPAC/COMNAVSURFLANT ships areconfigured to conduct helicopter, tilt rotor, V/STOL, orunmanned aerial systems (UAS) operations. Aviation operationsaboard these ships require certification of aviation supportfacilities as well as proficiency and certification of flightdeck crews. This instruction issuesCOMNAVSURFPAC/COMNAVSURFLANT guidance on policies, proceduresand responsibilities for ships regarding certification foraviation operations per references (a) through (u), whereadditional detailed guidance can be found.2

COMNAVSURFPACINST 3700.1/COMNAVSURFLANTINST 3700.17 Mar 136. Discussion. COMNAVSURFPAC/COMNAVSURFLANT Ships AirCertification consists of two major elements: AviationFacilities Certification (AVCERT), conducted by Naval AirSystems Command (NAVAIR), and Air Certification (AIR 1.4A and1.4B), conducted by Afloat Training Group (ATG) PAC/LANT.AVCERT is designed to ensure required shipboard aviationfacilities and equipment are installed and functioning properly.ATG focuses on personnel qualifications, training and readiness.Once these two elements have been successfully completed, theappropriate authority will issue an air certification message,authorizing the ship to conduct flight operations.a. AVCERT. Required by references (a) through (m), AVCERTis a prerequisite for completion of the overall aircertification. AVCERT ensures that required shipboard aviationfacilities and equipment are installed and functioning properly,and is conducted after a CNO availability, any availabilitywhere major work was done to the aviation facilities, or everytwo years. AVCERT is typically scheduled near the end of themaintenance phase. LHA and LHD ships are considered AmphibiousAssault Aviation Ships (AAS) and fall under reference (k) forAVCERT. All other surface force ships from which aircraft cantakeoff, land, or conduct VERTREP are considered AviationCapable Ships (ACS) and fall under reference (j) for AVCERT.References (j) and (k) establish standard certificationrequirements and inspection procedures for the aviationfacilities on Air Capable Ships (ACS) and Amphibious AviationShip (AAS) respectively, and are required to be maintained bythe ship. Enclosure (16) of this instruction is also used byNAVAIR when conducting the AVCERT, and should be used as a guidefor shipboard personnel to prepare for AVCERT. While AVCERT isthe only required inspection for aviation facilities, NAVAIRwill conduct assist visits to help ships prepare for AVCERT:(1) Pre-availability Technical Assist (PATA). PATA isdesigned to help ships identify what aviation facilitymaintenance is required to successfully complete AVCERT, andshould be completed prior to finalizing the maintenance workpackage for the availability.(2) Pre-certification Technical Assist (PRECERT).Normally conducted 30 days prior to AVCERT, PRECERT is acourtesy inspection conducted by NAVAIR to ensure aviationfacilities are on track for successful AVCERT. Equipment thatis deemed satisfactory at PRECERT will generally not be re-3

COMNAVSURFPACINST 3700.1/COMNAVSURFLANTINST 3700.17 Mar 13inspected at AVCERT, as long as no more than 30 days have passedbetween inspections.(3) PATA and PRECERT are typically conducted in portover a 3-5 day period, and the ship will receive a writtenreport on NAVAIR’s assessment. Both PATA and PRECERT should berequested through the respective TYCOM N42.NOTE: AVCERT standards are the minimum accepted standards tosafely conduct flight operations, and as such, cannot be waivedby NAVAIR. Aviation facility discrepancies noted during AVCERTwill result in a degraded certification until the discrepanciesare resolved. Aviation facility discrepancies or casualtiesthat occur after AVCERT is awarded can be waived by theappropriate operational waiver authority when required foroperations.b. Air Certification. Conducted by ATG, air certificationconsists of a series of training and assessment visits designedto ensure that flight deck crews are trained and ready toconduct all facets of flight operations. Air certificationculminates in an aviation demonstration (AIR 1.4B), where theship conducts aviation operations with appropriate aircraftunder ATG observation.NOTE: All ships, including new construction, shall have acurrent air certification and AVCERT prior to conducting anyflight operations. The lead ship for a new class will receivean interim facilities certification until the dynamic interfacetesting, conducted by the NAVAIR Patuxent River, Maryland testteam, is complete.7. Pre-training Visit (PTV)/AIR 1.0. The AIR portion of thePTV is a one day, in port event provided by ATG prior to thestart of Basic Phase Training. AIR 1.0 will identify objectivesof all training events in AIR 1.1 through AIR 1.4 to includecertifying exercises (CEs), administrative requirements, drills,and grading criteria. It will include a walkthrough of thematerial checks required in AIR 1.1 as well as a verification ofproper scheduling of the aviation facilities certification(AVCERT) with NAVAIR as governed by references (a) and (e). Itwill also include a discussion of sustainment requirements. Asaviation events normally begin prior to the end of theMaintenance Phase, AIR 1.0 may be conducted prior to the othermission area PTVs.4

COMNAVSURFPACINST 3700.1/COMNAVSURFLANTINST 3700.17 Mar 138. Aviation Material Readiness Certification/AIR 1.1. A one totwo day (Air Capable Ships (ACS)/Amphibious Aviation Ship (AAS))event conducted in port by ATG. It should be performed fiveweeks prior to start of Basic Phase, or 30-60 days prior to lossof current certification. ATG will conduct a material andadministrative review using applicable enclosures. Materialcondition (minimum equipment and safe to train) must be met formaterial certification. While AVCERT is not required to conductAIR 1.2/1.3, it is required to be current in order to conductAIR 1.4B.9. Individual and Watch Team Training/AIR 1.2/1.3. A two tothree day event (ACS/AAS) conducted in port by ATG, usingapplicable enclosures. It should be performed during the firstweek of the Basic Phase, or 30-60 days prior to loss of currentcertification. The training will focus on developing individualwatch stander and watch team skills necessary to successfullyconduct aviation operations.10. For ACS platforms, AIR 1.2 consists of watch team classroomtraining and squadron visit (as available). For AAS platforms,AIR 1.2 consists of additional watch team practical training.AIR 1.3 consists of watch team practical training (i.e. trainingdrills). Level of Knowledge (LOK) exams will be administeredduring this block of training to all qualified watch standers.11. Air Certification/AIR 1.4. Conducted in two parts, AIR1.4A must be successfully completed before conducting AIR 1.4B.In addition to certification of the flight deck team by ATG, aircertification includes assessment and certification of theship’s Air Traffic Control capabilities for LHA/LHD class ships.Amphibious Air Traffic Control Centers (AATCC) are assessed perreference (h) Tab B, reference (i), and enclosure (15), and areconducted by CTG-1/CNSP N42 or CNSL N42 assessors. The resultswill be reported to ATG and the applicable TYCOM will release anAATCC certification message.a. AIR 1.4A - Aviation Readiness Qualification (ARQ). AIR1.4A is conducted in order to verify the ship’s ability tosafely execute normal and emergency procedures prior toconducting actual flight operations. It should be performedearly in the Basic Phase, or 15-30 days prior to loss of currentcertification. It consists of two days in port for ACS, andthree days in port for AAS. ATG will conduct final material andadministrative certification using applicable enclosures for5

COMNAVSURFPACINST 3700.1/COMNAVSURFLANTINST 3700.17 Mar 13ACS, AAS, or ARQ, and evaluate all applicable CEs listed inreferences (f), (h) Tab B, and (i).b. AIR 1.4B - Air Demonstration. AIR 1.4B (formerly knownas Helo Day) is conducted after successful completion of AIR1.4A. Ships having outstanding CEs or significant discrepanciesfrom AIR 1.4A will not be allowed to conduct AIR 1.4B untilcleared. Additionally, ship’s AVCERT must be current in orderto conduct the air demonstration. AIR 1.4B is a one to four dayevolution at sea. ATG will observe and assess rotary and fixedwing (day, night and NVD) operations, as applicable.12. Certifying Exercises (CEs). All applicable CEs, as listedin references (f), (h) Tab B, and (i), shall be demonstrated toATG during the Air Demonstration (AIR 1.4B). ATG can bescheduled to return at an appropriate time to observe those CEsnot completed during the air certification visit. Ships arePROHIBITED from conducting flight operations related to thoseapplicable CEs not observed during the assessment cycle. ISICswill be responsible for tracking certifications to ensure noncertified operations are not scheduled or conducted by theirships. Ships shall issue a resumption of flights operationsmessage once delinquent REs are observed and determined to besatisfactory by a TYCOM designated representative.a. Sustainment. Begins immediately upon receipt of aircertification message per enclosure (18). Ships shall maintainaviation proficiency through the conduct of the requiredRepetitive Exercises (REs) listed in references (f), (h) Tab B,and (i). A lapse in RE periodicity will require ships tosuspend flight operations related to the expired RE. Enclosure(1) provides a sample suspension message.NOTE: If a ship is forced to suspend aviation operations due toloss of equipment or training periodicity and operationalcommitments dictate the need for continued flight operations;contact the applicable N42 per enclosure (2) to coordinatesubmission of an operational waiver request to the appropriateauthorizing agent for consideration.b. Certificates. Ships with separate ARQ and AirDemonstration (AIR 1.4A and AIR 1.4B) certifications will betracked until entering their next Fleet Readiness Training Plan(FRTP) cycle and then a single air certification will bereleased after successful completion of the certificationprocess.6

COMNAVSURFPACINST 3700.1/COMNAVSURFLANTINST 3700.17 Mar 13c. Precedence. References (l), (m) and (n) provide currentprocedures for helicopter, tilt rotor, UAS and V/STOL shipboardoperations. These references and this instruction set therequirements for aircraft operations aboardCOMNAVSURFPAC/COMNAVSURFLANT ships and shall be complied with,except when in conflict with an aircraft’s Naval Air Trainingand Operating Procedures Standardization (NATOPS) manual. Inthis event, the aircraft NATOPS manual takes precedence.References (f) through (i) govern the unit level trainingrequirements for ACS and AAS in order to achieve overallreadiness for operations and deployments.d. Operations Bill. References (l), (m) and (n) alsorequire the inclusion of specific information in the ship’sSurface Aviation Operations Bill. Ships should use thesereferences and enclosure (12) to establish their bill.e. Support E