Evropski centarza mir i razvojTerazije 41/IIECPD HeadquartersEuropean Centerfor Peace and DevelopmentCentre Européenpour la Paix et le DéveloppementCentro Europeopara la Paz y el DesarrolloEvropeiskij centrmira i razvitijaBelgrade, 24 September The European Center for Peace and Development University for Peaceestablished by the United Nations (ECPD), an international education andresearch organization from the UN academic system, is honored to inform youthat within the framework of the ECPD International Program of Transfer ofKnowledge System in the field of Biomedical and Medical Sciences together withthe ECPD International Center for Integrative Medicine, Belgrade, organizesECPD INTERNATIONAL SPECIALIST PROGRAMHYPERBARIC MEDICINE(Belgrade, 5 – 9 October)UNDERWATER MEDICINE(Belgrade, 12 – 16 October)The aim of this educational program is to provide knowledge in the field ofhyperbaric medicine and the physiology and pathophysiology of diving. Topicsrelated to indications, contraindications and possible toxic effects of oxygenadministration in hyperbaric conditions, as well as the effects of hyperbaricoxygen administration in the prevention and treatment of various pathologicalconditions, with particular emphasis on the effect of this therapy on peroxidationand antioxidant enzymes are particularlly processed. The importance ofhyperbaric therapy is emphasized as part of a multidisciplinary approach in thetreatment of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, systemic diseases, radioecrosis,and neurology. Particular attention will be paid to the importance of applying thistherapy in the preparation and rehabilitation of athletes.The courses are intended for specialist training of general practitioners andspecialists, medical technicians, physiotherapists, diving club doctors anddiving instructors (course of underwater medicine).Co-directors of the program are Prim. Dr. med. Miodrag Živković, specialist inmarine, hyperbaric and underwater medicine, physiologist, HBO Medical Center,President of the UG Serbian Health Organization, Belgrade, and Prof. Dr. VladimirJakovljević, Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac.
lecturers are distinguished experts in this field: Prof. Dr. Vujadin Mujović, Faculty ofMedicine, University of Belgrade, Prof. Dr. Žarko Finderle, Faculty of Medicine,University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Asst. Dr. Branislav Baškot and other prominentexperts in this field.The Program includes the following:HYPERBARIC MEDICINE History of the development of hyperbaric medicine History of the development of hyperbaric chambers Oxygen - physicochemical characteristics Oxygen - transport and physiological role Hypoxia - biochemical aspects Hyperoxia - biochemical aspects, toxic aspects Mechanisms of defending the body against hyperoxia Indications, contraindications and complications Physiological basis for the application of hyperbaric oxygenation Urgent application of hyperbaric oxygenation - Absolute indications: gasgangrene (clostridial infection), carbon monoxide poisoning, methemoglobinform poisoning, vascular gas embolism (decompression sickness andbarotraumatic gas embolism), botulism, thromboembolic hemorrhage, andterminal thromboembolism. strokes, post-hypoxic encephalopathy, brain andspinal cord injuries, sepsis, non-colloidal anaerobic infection, peritonitis,subileus, opiate poisoning, psychotropic opiates and psychoactive substances Hyperbaric oxygenation in internal medicine (in cardiology,rheumatology, endocrinology) Hyperbaric oxygenation in oncology (new research, post-radiation tissuenecrosis) Hyperbaric oxygenation in surgery and orthopedics Hyperbaric oxygenation in neurology and psychiatry Hyperbaric oxygenation in ophthalmology and eagle Hyperbaric oxygenation in sports medicine Drug interactions and HBO Measures for the safe operation of hyperbaric chambers Analysis of causes of fire in hyperbaric chamber International standards Practical work with single-use oxygen chambers2
UNDERWATER MEDICINE Definition and history of diving development History of diving technique development History of the development of recompression chambers History of the development of subphysical physiology and medicine Physical and physiological characteristics of gases Diving stress Psychophysical abilities in diving Effect of increased pressure on organ systems (respiratory, cardiovascular,central nervous system .) Oxidation stress in diving Medical selection and medical supervision of divers Diving - health hazards and health protection measures Negative environmental impact on divers' health (cooling, drowning,fatigue, injuries, chemically and biologically polluted waters) Metabolic aspects of diving - energy consumption The negative impact of inhalation gases on the health of divers Medical selection Prophylactic decompression tables (DB prevention) Decompression sickness - First aid and treatment (therapeuticdecompression tables) Barotraumatic injuries (physiology of pressure equalization in middle ear,middle ear barotrauma, inner ear barotrauma, sinus and tooth barotrauma,digestive tract pain, kneading, Alternobaric vertigo - Landgren Syndrome) Barotraumatic gas embolism - First aid and treatment (therapeuticdecompression tables) Monitoring of a diseased diver in a stationary recompression chamber Single-stage transport recompression chambers Missed decompression Principles of Medical Diving Provision Control of living conditions in recompression chambers Safety aspects of hyperbaric recompression systems Video views of complex diving operations Getting to know the hyperbaric chambers Practical work with chambers Staying in a hyperbaric chamber3
ORGANIZATION OF THE COURSESThe curriculum for both courses includes theoretical lectures and hands-ontraining for the use of hyperbaric chambers for therapeutic purposes. ECPDprovides the students with appropriate literature and teaching materials needed toeffectively monitor the teaching.COURSES CERTIFICATEOn the basis of attendance, acquired knowledge and skills during the Courses andpassed the exam, participants will receive an internationally valid Certificate ofthe European Center for Peace and Development UN University for Peace.REGISTRATION FEE AND APPLICATION FORMThe participation fee for each of the individual Hyperbaric and UnderwaterMedicine courses is 490 EUR. The participation fee for taking both coursestogether is 890 EUR.Application should be sent together with a copy of your Diploma to: EuropeanCenter for Peace and Development UN University for Peace, Terazije 41, 11000Belgrade, Serbia; Looking forward to your application and meeting you soon, we remain,Sincerely yours,DIRECTOR OF ECPD BIOMEDICALAND MEDICAL STUDIES(Academician Vladimir Kanjuh)ECPD EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR(Prof. Dr. Negoslav Ostojić)4
EUROPEAN CENTER FOR PEACE AND DEVELOPMENT (ECPD)UNIVERSITY FOR PEACE ESTABLISHED BY THE UNITED NATIONSECPD INTERNATIONAL SPECIALIST COURSEHYPERBARIC MEDICINE(Belgrade, 5 – 9 October)APPLICATION FORM1. Name and surname2. Educational background3. Speciality4. Organization (name, address, phone)5. Workplace or function6. Address for correspondence (if different than the given one)7. Phone FaxE-mail address:8. License number:The Application Form should be submitted to the European Center for Peaceand Development UN University for Peace, Terazije 41, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; participation fee of EUR 490 should be paid through ECPD account.Regarding the payment instructions and pro - forma invoice.
EUROPEAN CENTER FOR PEACE AND DEVELOPMENT (ECPD)UNIVERSITY FOR PEACE ESTABLISHED BY THE UNITED NATIONSECPD INTERNATIONAL SPECIALIST COURSEUNDERWATER MEDICINE(Belgrade, 12 – 16 October)APPLICATION FORM1. Name and surname2. Educational background3. Speciality4. Organization (name, address, phone)5. Workplace or function6. Address for correspondence (if different than the given one)7. Phone FaxE-mail address:8. License number:The Application Form should be submitted to the European Center for Peaceand Development UN University for Peace, Terazije 41, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; participation fee of EUR 490 should be paid through ECPD account.Regarding the payment instructions and pro - forma invoice