Grades 4 - 7CAPS-approved CatalogueHome of Maskew Miller Longman & Heinemann
WelcomeAt Pearson, we believe that learnerperformance can be improved when bothteachers and learners are equipped withquality learning resources filled with relevantand engaging content.We are proud to present the PearsonSouth Africa Grades 4 – 7 catalogue. OurGrade 4 – 7 portfolio brings you the widestrange of CAPS-approved titles in South Africa.We aim to help your learners make progressthrough this important learning phase wherecritical thinking skills and application ofknowledge become the focus of attention.To support you in the classroom, we continueour strong tradition of excellence in teachertraining. These teacher-training workshops arerun across the country by our dedicated andpassionate team of trainers whom are trainedteachers. If you require more informationabout our workshops, please contact your localPearson office.Wishing you all the best for the year ahead.Reggie MokotsiExecutive Director: SalesPearson South AfricaCover image by Christof van der Walt, shot on location at Sagewood School.Page image by Christof van der Walt.
ContentsAbout Pearson2Grades 4 – 6 CAPS Textbooks5Platinum EnglishFirst Additional Language7Spot On Natural Sciencesand Technology15Platinum Home Language8Spot On Life Skills169Platinum Mathematics10Day-by-Day Natural Sciencesand Technology19Platinum Natural Sciencesand TechnologyDay-by-Day Social Sciences20Platinum Social Sciences11Day-by-Day Life Skills20Platinum Life Skills12Afrikaans sonder grense22Sinothile – isiZulu Home Language23CAPS Grades 4 – 6 Readers24Grade 7 CAPS Textbooks25Platinum English FirstAdditional Language27Spot On Social Sciences38Platinum Home Language28Spot On Economic andManagement Sciences38Platinum Mathematics29Spot On Life Orientation39Platinum Natural Sciences30Spot On Creative Arts39Platinum Social Sciences31English Today41Platinum Technology32Mathematics Today42Platinum Creative Arts33Social Sciences Today43Spot On English FirstAdditional Language35Economic and ManagementSciences Today44Kollig Op Afrikaans EersteAddisionele Taal35Technology Today45Spot On Mathematics36Life Orientation Today46Spot On Natural Sciences37Creative Arts Today46Spot On Technology37Afrikaans sonder grense48KwaXhosa Zibenza Zibutya49CAPS Grade 7 NovelsMaskew Miller Longman Novels5050Senior African Writers Series50Our Grades 4–7 supplementary resources can be found in the Grades R–7 Library& Supplementary Resources Catalogue.Key to symbolsThis title is also availablein eBook format.New title available.Features one or moredigital resources, e.g.CD, DVD, Online Support.This title is also availablein Afrikaans.Resources withaudio components.Additional information.1
About PearsonLearning isn't a destination, starting andstopping at the classroom door. It's anever-ending road of discovery, challenge,inspiration, and wonder.For many people, learning is the route toa job to support their family or the skillsto help them progress in their career. Forothers, it's simply a passion for discovery.Whether it's in the classroom, at home,or in the workplace, learning is the key toimproving our life chances.That's why, at Pearson, we provide trustedCAPS-approved textbooks, digital andsupplementary resources, services andsupport, and professional development2courses, to make learning more engagingand effective.We create content in all 11 officiallanguages and have a footprint in all9 provinces. Our unique insight and localexpertise comes from our long history ofworking closely with the Department ofEducation, teachers, learners, researchers,authors and thought leaders.We have a clear and simple set of values –in everything we do, we inspire to be brave,imaginative, decent and accountable. Thesevalues describe what is important to all ofus, and guide us to do what is right for theworld around us.Every day all over South Africa, our productsand services help learning flourish. Becausewherever learning flourishes, so do people.Learn more at Image by Christof van der WaltAt Pearson, home of Maskew MillerLongman and Heinemann, we’re here tohelp people make progress in their livesthrough learning.
About PearsonOur strategic partnersOur dedication to creating positive socialimpact shapes everything we do, fromour products and strategies to the waywe engage with our millions of learners,partners, and communities aroundthe world.We are fortunate to have found B-BBEEpartners who share our passion andcommitment to education and will enableus to continue to positively impact manythousands of learners across South Africa.Sphere Holdings is excited to be partof an enterprise whose key focus is onimproving knowledge and education inSouth Africa. The relationship with PearsonSouth Africa aligns this imperative withtheir passion for delivering meaningfulinterventions for change.Sphere Holdings (Pty) Ltd Itumeleng Kgaboesele Marang DenalaneSphere Holdings was founded in and has a transformative business modelthat creates wealth that uplifts by puttingreal money back into the community witha focus on education. Since inception,about 14% of Sphere has been ownedby four community charities with a focuson education.Pearson Marang Education TrustThrough research, engagement anddevelopment at the coalface of education,the school and the classroom, the PearsonMarang Education Trust has focused onbest practice as an approach to improvingthe quality of teaching, learning andschool management in South Africa. TheTrust brings deep knowledge of schoolimprovement and performance into thisdynamic partnership.We look forward to workingwith Pearson to adapt theirunparalleled global educationexpertise, content and services tomeet the needs of South Africanlearners, teachers, educationdepartments and schools.Marang Denalane, Sphere directorand Pearson SA board member3
Our commitment to learningThe challenge for education is notjust about providing access, but alsoensuring progress.For Pearson, providing great productsand services is just the beginning. It’simportant for us to know that they areworking. Everything we do is driven by itsmeasurable impact on learning outcomes.We call this efficacy.In, we announced our commitmentto report publicly on our progress andmake the results transparent. We werethe first education company to makethis commitment.By focusing on the efficacy of our productsand services, we can see exactly howeffective they are at producing successfuloutcomes for learners. This involvescontinually measuring, assessing, andimproving everything we do and puttingthe learner at the heart of our learningsolutions. By questioning everything,we ensure that we’re always deliveringbetter results.We work with educators and learners tocontinually improve our products andservices, ensuring they have the mostpositive impact on learning. In this way,we’re able to deliver better educationto more people – whatever, whenever,wherever, and however they choose.Read some of our efficacy reports tolearn more about our products andtheir impact orclassroomsolutions.co.zaFor us, the future’s already begunIt’s a future full of powerful challengesand exciting opportunities. While we’rededicated to making change happen,we’re well aware that we can’t do it alone.So we collaborate with employers, teachersand educational experts, entrepreneurs,and other organisations to gain in-depthglobal perspectives and develop pioneeringideas that will help solve the manyeducational challenges facing the world.Working with you enables us to make evenbigger changes happen as we collaborateto address some of the biggest educationchallenges.4One of our initiatives is Project Literacy, acampaign to bring the power of words toeveryone so that by, every child borncan grow up to be a literate adult. Our dedication to creating positive socialimpact shapes everything we do, fromour products and strategies to the waywe engage with our millions of learners,partners, and communities aroundthe world.
Image by Thirteen, ShutterstockGrades 4–6CAPSTextbooks
Simply Superior! Superior CAPS coverage – written for the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement byexpert authors Superior illustrations and activities to improve results and motivate learners Superior teacher support to save time and make teaching easy Superior quality success!FREE Extension and Remediation workbooksavailable with the Teacher’s Guide.6
Grades 4–6 CAPS TextbooksPlatinum EnglishFirst Additional Language Each term has a number of themes, covering the required contentand skills in two-week cycles. The themes open with a clear list of exactly what is covered foreach skill. Unique features like the Language toolbox reinforce processes andprovide an easy reference to important language information. Sample exam papers are included to help learners prepare forthe exams.Components Learner’s Books Readers Teacher’s Guides, which include a FREE audio CD and Extension andRemediation Worksheet BookWord lists build vocabularyand understandingTasks are broken downinto clear stepsGood-quality,full-colour artworkadds to learnerunderstandingand enjoymentAll the FormalAssessment Tasksfor the year areincludedPlatinum English First Additional Language Grade 4 Learner’s Book7
Platinum Home Language Each theme features helpful Wordlists, summary activities and aSpelling list to provide added support for learners. Extension and remediation worksheets have been provided toassist learners with different abilities. There are many opportunities for informal and formal assessmentin the Learner’s Book, with answers and guidance on how to assesslearners in the Teacher’s Guide. Home language courses are available in Afrikaans, English, isiNdebele,isiXhosa, Sepedi and Xitsonga.Components Learner’s Books Readers Teacher’s Guides, which include a FREE Extension and RemediationWorksheet Book Teacher’s Guides for English and Afrikaans also include a FREE audio CDVocabulary blocks extendlearners vocabularyPlatinum Afrikaans Huistaal Graad 5 Leerderboek8Helpful and practicalexamples
Grades 4–6 CAPS TextbooksPlatinum Mathematics Each term covers the required content within each of the five maincontent areas. A variety of exercises, Did you know? feature boxes, challenges andgames are included to get learners excited about Maths. Colourful photographs and artwork assist learners in understandingthe concepts and content. The Teacher’s Guide includes a Mental Mathematics section withexercises for each day of the school year. In addition, the extension and remediation worksheets can be usedto provide learners with a challenge or to revise and consolidate thebasic concepts.Components Learner’s Books Teacher’s Guides, which include a FREE Extension and RemediationWorksheet BookAll the concepts learnersshould know aresummarised in this boxExplanatory illustrationsare used to visuallyexplain conceptsDifficultwords areexplainedColourful diagramssupport learners withactivitiesPlatinum Mathematics Grade 6 Learner’s BookPlatinum Mathematics: the only CAPS Maths course that hasbeen approved for all grades!9
Platinum Natural Sciencesand Technology Topics are broken down into units so that the content and concepts arepresented to learners in manageable chunks. Skills focus pages introduce learners to a new skill or revise a prior skill. A Key concepts box at the end of each unit highlights the fundamentallearning in the unit. A revision section, consisting of a summary activity, language activityand revision activity, helps learners revise the whole topic. Formal assessment activities, with assessment tools and teachingguidelines, are provided for full coverage of the CAPS programme ofassessment.Components Learner’s Books Teacher’s Guides, which include a FREE Extension and RemediationWorksheet BookSkills focus featuresintroduce and explainvital science skillsKeyword boxesexplain newterms in each unitPractical tasks provideopportunities to applyand practise new skillsFull-colour artworkand photographsaid learningClear step-by-stepinstructions withphotographs makelearning easySkills focus activitiesto practise new skillsPlatinum Natural Sciences and Technology Grade 4 Learner’s Book10
Grades 4–6 CAPS TextbooksPlatinum Social Sciences Themes are carefully planned to cover the key Geography and Historyconcepts. A variety of activities are included to both consolidate the contentcovered and test knowledge gained and skills learnt. Full-colour illustrations, photographs and maps expand and enhancelearning. Targeted worksheets are provided to assist learners with differentabilities. The Resources section in the Teacher’s Guide informs teachers when touse resources like maps, graphs and data to complete a lesson.Components Learner’s Books Teacher’s Guides, which include a FREE Extension and RemediationWorksheet BookEach topic (term) has a different colour, allowingteachers and learners to see at a glance whereGeography and History are coveredEach topic opens withan introduction andexploratory activityPlatinum Social Sciences Grade 5 Learner’s BookPlatinum Primary School Atlas:Suitable for Grades 4–7.Available in Afrikaans.See page 52 for more information.11
Platinum Life Skills Each term is divided into chapters that cover all three Life Skillsstudy areas. Term openers introduce learners to key concepts to be dealt with ineach term. Extension, support activities and suggestions are provided forteachers and learners. The Read for enjoyment pages provide learners with reading materialfor the required weekly reading activity. An audio CD supplied with the Teacher’s Guide provides support forteaching the Performing Arts study area.Components Learner’s Books Teacher’s Guides, which include a FREE audio CDLabelled step-by-stepimages show learnersexactly what to doDid you know? boxesextend learners’knowledge and th