
Narrative Lectionary Readings for Year 3 (Luke)The preaching texts are always listed first. Old Testament texts are the primary vehicle for proclaimingthe biblical story until the Fourth Sunday of Advent, when the gospel readings become primary texts.An optional accompanying reading (selected from the gospels before Christmas and after Easter; fromPsalms Christmas through Easter) is noted in parentheses.September13NL301: Creation and FallFifteenth Sunday afterPentecostSeptember20NL302: God’s Promise toAbrahamSixteenth Sunday afterPentecostSeptember27NL303: God Worksthrough JosephSeventeenth Sunday afterPentecostOctoberOctoberOctober41118Genesis 2:4b-7, 15-17; 3:1-8(Luke 11:4)Creation, Garden of Eden, fall into sin.Genesis 15:1-6 (Luke 3:8)God promises Abraham descendants asnumerous as the stars. Abrahambelieves.Genesis 37:3-8, 17b-22, 26-34; 50:1521(Luke 6:35)Joseph’s dreams lead to family conflictand he is sold into slavery. In the endJoseph forgives. God works for good.NL304: The Promise ofPassoverExodus 12:1-13; 13:1-8 (Luke 22:1420)Eighteenth Sunday afterPentecostPassover: the blood of the lamb andunleavened bread signify God’s sacrificeof the lamb God’s deliverance.NL305: Golden CalfExodus 32:1-14 (Luke 23:34)Nineteenth Sunday afterPentecostGolden calf shows unfaithfulness at Mt.Sinai. Moses intercedes, God forgives.NL306: God AnswersHannah1 Samuel 1:9-11, 19-20; 2:1-10(Luke 1:46-55)Twentieth Sunday afterPentecostSamuel is God’s answer to Hannah, whosings of God’s care for the needy.

Narrative Lectionary (Year 3 – erDecember25181522296NL307: God’s Promise toDavidTwenty-first Sunday afterPentecost (or Reformation)God’s promise to David concerning hisheir, who will be God’s Son and whosekingdom will endure forever.NL309: God’s Care for theWidow1 Kings 17:1-16 [17-24] (Luke 4:2426)Twenty-second Sunday afterPentecost (or All Saints)Elijah and the widow; God’s care forthose on the margin.NL310: Jonah and God’sMercyJonah 1:1-17; 3:1-10 [4:1-11](Luke 18:13)Twenty-third Sunday afterPentecostJonah’s attempted escape from God,God’s mercy on the people of Nineveh.NL311: God Calls IsaiahIsaiah 6:1-8 (Luke 5:8-10)Twenty-fourth Sunday afterPentecostCall of Isaiah: Holy, holy, holy is God;the prophet’s sin, cleansing, andsending.NL312: God Promises aNew CovenantJeremiah 36:1-8, 21-23, 27-28; then31:31-34 (Luke 22:19-20)Christ the King /Reign of Christ SundayJeremiah’s scroll calls for repentance,but the king burns it. The prophetpromises a new covenant, written on theheart.NL313: Daniel’s Hope inGodDaniel 6:6-27 (Luke 23:1-5)First Sunday of AdventDaniel in the lions’ den; deliverance;God’s kingdom shall never bedestroyed.NL314: Joel: God’sPromised SpiritJoel 2:12-13, 28-29 (Luke 11:13)Second Sunday of AdventRevised 1/21 2 Samuel 7:1-17 (Luke 1:30-33)Turn to a merciful God, promise of theSpirit.

Narrative Lectionary (Year 3 – Luke)DecemberDecemberDecemberDecember1320NL315: Spirit of the Lordupon MeIsaiah 61:1-11 (Luke 4:16-21)Third Sunday of AdventThe Spirit of the Lord is upon me tobring good news, liberty, and to make aneverlasting covenant.NL316: Jesus’ BirthAnnouncedLuke 1:26-45 [46-56](Psalm 113)Fourth Sunday of AdventAnnouncement of Jesus’ birth to Mary;he will receive the throne of David.24NL317: Birth of JesusLuke 2:1-14 [15-20] (Psalm 96)25Christmas EveNL318: Shepherds VisitChristmas DayBirth of Jesus.Luke 2:8-20 (Psalm 123:1-2)Shepherds visit the infant Jesus.December27NL319: Simeon and AnnaFirst Sunday of ChristmasLuke 2:21-38 (Psalm 131)Simeon and Anna, Lord now you letyour servant depart in peace.January3NL320: Boy in the TempleSecond Sunday of ChristmasLuke 2:41-52 (Psalm 2:7-8)Jesus in the temple at age twelve. He isin “his Father’s house.”JanuaryJanuary1017NL321: Jesus’ BaptismLuke 3:1-22 (Psalm 51:6-17)Baptism of Our LordJohn baptizes, bear fruit worthy ofrepentance, share what you have.NL322: Sermon atNazarethLuke 4:14-30 (Psalm 146)Second Sunday afterEpiphanyJanuary24NL323: Fish for PeopleSermon at Nazareth (Isaiah fulfilled,Elijah and widow, Elisha and Naaman).Luke 5:1-11 (Psalm 90:14-17)Third Sunday after Epiphany Great catch of fish, Peter will fish forpeople.Revised 1/21

Narrative Lectionary (Year 3 – Luke)January31NL324: Healing on theSabbathFourth Sunday aryMarchMarch714172128714NL325: Raising theWidow’s SonLuke 6:1-16 (Psalm 92)Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath(plucking grain, healing a man) and callof disciples.Luke 7:1-17 (Psalm 119:105-107)Fifth Sunday after EpiphanyHealing the centurion's slave by a wordand raising the widow's son at Nain.NL329: TransfigurationLuke 9:28-45 (Psalm 36:5-10)Transfiguration of Our LordTransfiguration, healing a boy with ademon, passion prediction.NL330: Jesus Turns toJerusalemLuke 9:51-62 (Psalm 5:7-8)Ash WednesdayJesus starts for Jerusalem, rejected inSamaria, Don’t put your hand to theplow and turn back.NL331: Good SamaritanLuke 10:25-42 (Psalm 15)First Sunday in LentParable of the Good SamaritanNL332: Lament overJerusalemLuke 13:1-9, 31-35(Psalm 122)Second Sunday in LentThe tower in Siloam and need forrepentance, parable of fig tree that boreno fruit, lament over Jerusalem.NL333: Lost Sheep, Coin,SonLuke 15:1-32(Psalm 119:167-176)Third Sunday in LentParables of lost sheep, coin, prodigalson.NL334: Rich Man andLazarusLuke 16:19-31 (Psalm 41:1-3)Parable of the rich man and Lazarus.Fourth Sunday in LentRevised 1/21

Narrative Lectionary (Year 3 – Luke)March21NL335: ZacchaeusLuke 18:31—19:10(Psalm 84:1-4, 10-12)Fifth Sunday in LentHealing a blind man, meetingZacchaeus. Jesus came to seek and savethe lost.MarchAprilAprilAprilAprilApril281241118NL336: Triumphal EntryLuke 19:29-44 (Psalm 118:19-23)Palm/Passion SundayTriumphal entry; Jesus weeps over thecity that does not know peace.NL337: Last SupperLuke 22:1-27 (Psalm 34:8-10)Maundy ThursdayPreparation for the Last Supper, Wordsof Institution, Jesus is one who serves.NL338: CrucifixionLuke 23:32-47 (Psalm 31:5-13)Good FridayCrucifixion, Father forgive them; todayin Paradise; into your hands I commendmy Spirit.NL339: ResurrectionLuke 24:1-12 (Psalm 118:17, 21-24)Resurrection of Our LordEmpty tomb, women perplexed, bringthe message.NL340: Emmaus RoadLuke 24:13-35 (Psalm 30)Second Sunday of Easter“Our hearts burned along the road, as heopened to us the Scriptures.”NL341: Stephen’s WitnessActs 6:1—7:2a, 44-60(Luke 23:33-34a, 46)Third Sunday of EasterControversy in the early church; someset aside for service. Stephen forgivesand is martyred.April25NL342: Ethiopian EunuchBaptizedFourth Sunday of EasterRevised 1/21 Acts 8:26-39 (Luke 24:44-47)Ethiopian reads the Scriptures, comes tobelieve and be baptized by Philip.

Narrative Lectionary (Year 3 – Luke)May2NL343: Council atJerusalemFifth Sunday of EasterMay9NL344: Living by FaithActs 15:1-18 (Luke 2:29-32)Council at Jerusalem, Faith givesidentity to both Jews and Gentiles.Galatians 1:13-17; 2:11-21(Luke 18:9-14)Sixth Sunday of EasterPaul’s former life; conflict with Peter atAntioch; justification by faith.MayMay1623NL345: One in ChristGalatians 3:1-9, 23-29 (Luke 1:68-79)Seventh Sunday of EasterNeither Jew or Greek, slave or free,male and female; one in Christ.NL346: Pentecost; Fruitsof the SpiritActs 2:1-4; Galatians 4:1-7 [5:16-26](Luke 11:11-13)Day of PentecostPentecost; God pours the Spirit into ourhearts so we can call on God as Father.Fruit of the Spirit.Revised 1/21