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Top Books

CHAPTER 12 Curriculum Evaluation - SAGE Pub

CHAPTER 12 Curriculum Evaluation - SAGE Pub

broader understanding of purpose, two concepts delineated by Guba and Lincoln (1981) seem especially useful: ... Controversies that occur during the development of a program center on the nature of the decision, and not on who makes the decision. Positive human : relations Also, the initial thoughts about the curriculum come from teachers, principals, and the curriculum leader. All ...



accomplishment is evergreen: You have earned a degree from one of the finest universities in the world — an institution renowned for its significant contributions to the advancement of science; ingenuity in the arts, humanities and critical thought; steadfast commitment to local communities; and unwavering dedication to diversity, equity and inclusion. Our country and our world are at a ...



the traditional nursing field in both purpose and composition. Consisting of more than 11,000 men and women, the Army Nurse Corps is dedicated to providing high-tech, quality health care for military personnel, their families and military retirees all over the world. Ranging in age from 21 to 62, these nursing professionals vary with respect to both their backgrounds and experiences. Nearly 66 ...

Guidance on using social media responsibly

Guidance on using social media responsibly

“Use all forms of spoken, written and digital communication (including social media and networking sites) responsibly.” (The Code, paragraph 20.10) Nurses, midwives and nursing associates may put their registration at risk, and students may jeopardise their ability to join our register, if they act in any way that is unprofessional or unlawful on social media including (but not limited to ...

What is Action Research? - SAGE Pub

What is Action Research? - SAGE Pub

W H AT I S AC T I O N R E S E A R C H ? 3 • Action research is participative and collaborative; it is undertaken by individuals with a common purpose. • It is situation-based and context specific. • It develops reflection based on interpretations made by the participants. • Knowledge is created through action and at the point of application. ...

Reference ID: 3815987

Reference ID: 3815987

revised: 09 . full prescribing information: contents* 1 indications and usage 2 dosage and administration 3 dosage forms and strengths 4 contraindications 5 warnings and precautions 6 adverse reactions 7 drug interactions 8 use in specific populations . 8.1 pregnancy 8.2 labor and delivery . 8.3 nursing mothers . 8.4 pediatric use

Reference ID: 3839318

Reference ID: 3839318

3 DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHS . 8.2 Labor and Delivery 4 CONTRAINDICATIONS 8.3 Nursing Mothers 5 WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS 8.4 Pediatric Use 5.1 Hepatic Injury 8.5 Geriatric Use . 5.2 Serious Skin Reactions 8.6 Patients with Hepatic Impairment . 5.3 Risk of Medication Errors 8.7 Patients with Renal Impairment . 1 Reference ID: 3839318

Using the new Nursing Practice Assessment Document

Using the new Nursing Practice Assessment Document

for nurses and midwives (NMC) and Medicines Management • The Episode of Care - A graded assessment of nursing skills and competencies, delivered during an ‘Episode of Care’ with a patient and assessed by the mentor. This means students get credit for practice • There are no bondy levels. Instead a 1-6 grading scale based on what is expected of students in that year • There is no ...

Completed revalidation forms and templates

Completed revalidation forms and templates

3.6 Independent learning – reading article Caring for people who are dying: priorities at the end of life. Read CPD article in Nursing Standard. Gained new ideas which I will reflect on and discuss with my team, with a view to making changes to our practice. Prioritise people 2 …

Risk assessment made easy The Bröset Violence Checklist (BVC)

Risk assessment made easy The Bröset Violence Checklist (BVC)

• When these forms of violence occur they have the potenBal to impact on both the clinical staff and the health environment as well as costs • There is extensive research that consistently shows superior risk decision-making when structured clinical judgement is used. 4 . 5 Introduc-on • Research on instrument development has amassed over the years to the current date where clinicians ...

Finite Element Method Magnetics

Finite Element Method Magnetics

problem and solves the relevant partial differential equations to obtain values for the desired field throughout the solution domain. The Lua scripting language is integrated into the interactive shell. Unlike previous versions of FEMM (i.e. v3.4 and lower), only one …

G. P. Nikishkov

G. P. Nikishkov

1.1 What is the finite element method The finite element method (FEM) is a numerical technique for solving problems which are described by partial differential equations or can be formulated as functional minimization. A domain of interest is represented as an assembly of finite elements . Approximating functions in finite elements are deter-

Using Python to Solve Partial Differential Equations

Using Python to Solve Partial Differential Equations

a PhD in scientific computing from the University of Oslo. Ola Skavhaug is a research scientist at the Simula Re-search Laboratory. His research interests include high-level numerical programming, PDEs, and code verification. Skavhaug has a PhD in scientific computing from the Uni-versity of Oslo. Contact him ...

Exponential Matrix and Their Properties

Exponential Matrix and Their Properties

allow solutions to be expressed and recent advances in numerical algorithms for computing them [ ]. In general is an interesting area in linear algebra, matrix analysis and are used in many areas especially matrix Exponential .The matrix exponential is a very important subclass of functions of matrices that has been studied extensively in the last 50 years [ ]. The computation of matrix ...

Programming and Mathematical Thinking

Programming and Mathematical Thinking

Discrete mathematics is concerned with such elements; collections of them, such as sets and sequences; and connections among elements, in structures such as mappings and relations. In many ways discrete mathematics is more relevant to programming than numerical mathematics is: not just to particular kinds of programming, but to all programming.

Finite Element Solutions of Heat Conduction Problems in .

Finite Element Solutions of Heat Conduction Problems in .

In scientific computing, the examination of a certain problem is always a three-stage process (figure 2.1). Foremost, we need to think about how to model the task in the language of mathematics. Then, the next step is to discretize the obtained (continuous) equations and solve them by an appropriate numerical method. Finally, we have to

Numerical Optimization - spbu.ru

Numerical Optimization - spbu.ru

Laboratory of Actuarial Mathematics DK-1017 Copenhagen Denmark Sidney I. Resnick Cornell University School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering Ithaca, NY 14853 USA Stephen M. Robinson Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering University of Wisconsin 1513 University Avenue Madison, WI 53706–1539 USA Mathematics ...

A Discussion Guide for Teachers and Parents

A Discussion Guide for Teachers and Parents

discussion guide on sex or sexual orientation. Rather, used in conjunction with the magazine and film, it is a tool to help you understand the nature of gender and its ramifications as we work ...

Introduction to Information and Communication Technology .

Introduction to Information and Communication Technology .

Also during the past 5,000 years, many new body and mind tools have been developed, and many of these have been widely adopted. In terms of the diagram of Figure 0.1, this means that our informal and formal educational system has been faced by the need for continual change in order to appropriately accommodate the changing tools.

Bausteine zur sprachlichen Integration - netzwerk-iq

Bausteine zur sprachlichen Integration - netzwerk-iq

für Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF) aufbauend und an verschiedene Coachingansätze anknüpfend, ... › Netzwerk Individuelle › Lernbiografie Lernwege › Reflexion Lerngewohnheiten, Lernrhythmus, Lerntyp Um berufliche (Sprachlern-)Ziele herauszuarbeiten, sind neben reflexionsanregenden Instrumenten (z.B. Erwartungen an bzw. von Vorgesetzen und Kolleginnen und Kollegen formulieren, den ...

Guidance on using social media responsibly

Guidance on using social media responsibly

“Use all forms of spoken, written and digital communication (including social media and networking sites) responsibly.” (The Code, paragraph 20.10) Nurses, midwives and nursing associates may put their registration at risk, and students may jeopardise their ability to join our register, if they act in any way that is unprofessional or unlawful on social media including (but not limited to ...

Hand in Hand against Tay-Sachs, The CATS Foundation and .

Hand in Hand against Tay-Sachs, The CATS Foundation and .

Perfect hands and toes are the results from the hands and feet care programme at Hotel Eichingerbauer. If you want to remove annoying hairs from your body? Hair removal and depilation with warm wax applied by a professional will do the trick. ...

A Guide To Introduction Medicinal Plants Used By Latinos .

A Guide To Introduction Medicinal Plants Used By Latinos .

medicinal herbs in Madison, and should not be considered as Second Edition August 23, Introduction This pamphlet describes some of the most frequently used medicinal plants by Latinos in Madison. It is the result of a project of Dr. David Kiefer (Research Fellow, UW Department of Family Medicine), with help from numerous other people. The objective of this guide is to begin to collect ...

Reference ID: 3815987

Reference ID: 3815987

revised: 09 . full prescribing information: contents* 1 indications and usage 2 dosage and administration 3 dosage forms and strengths 4 contraindications 5 warnings and precautions 6 adverse reactions 7 drug interactions 8 use in specific populations . 8.1 pregnancy 8.2 labor and delivery . 8.3 nursing mothers . 8.4 pediatric use



the traditional nursing field in both purpose and composition. Consisting of more than 11,000 men and women, the Army Nurse Corps is dedicated to providing high-tech, quality health care for military personnel, their families and military retirees all over the world. Ranging in age from 21 to 62, these nursing professionals vary with respect to both their backgrounds and experiences. Nearly 66 ...



thank you for downloading the past exam paper and its memo, we hope it will be of help to YOU. SHOULD YOU NEED MORE QUESTION PAPERS AND …File Size: 1MBPage Count: 17

Richtlijn voor de diagnostiek en behandeling van .

Richtlijn voor de diagnostiek en behandeling van .

diagnostiek en behandeling van de ziekte van Bechterew voor de Nederlandse reumatologen. De ziekte van Bechterew, oftewel Ankyloserende Spondylitis (AS, conform de Engelse nomenclatuur, dit om verwarring met SpA (Spondylarthopathie) te voorkomen). De ziekte van Bechterew behoort tot het B-segment van de DBC, zoals door de Orde samen met ZonMw op 4-11 is vastgesteld, als …

Risk assessment made easy The Bröset Violence Checklist (BVC)

Risk assessment made easy The Bröset Violence Checklist (BVC)

• When these forms of violence occur they have the potenBal to impact on both the clinical staff and the health environment as well as costs • There is extensive research that consistently shows superior risk decision-making when structured clinical judgement is used. 4 . 5 Introduc-on • Research on instrument development has amassed over the years to the current date where clinicians ...

Oceans in National Income Accounts - Project

Oceans in National Income Accounts - Project

Valuation and Natural Capital Accounting for the Oceans Session 3 MOSES Blue Growth Pathway Case Studies Session 6 Ocean Satellite Account Developments. Session 1 Ocean Economy Accounts Ms Yasmin Schinasi Romeu, DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, European Commission Yasmin Schinasi Romeu is a Policy/Economic Analyst at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Maritime …

 IPS Dterm SERIES I - Hosted Phone Systems in .

IPS Dterm SERIES I - Hosted Phone Systems in .

The Dterm Series i has 8 ringer tones that you can select. • Press Feature and 3. The LCD displays the selected tone number (n=1 ~ 8). Tone No. Frequency/Modulation 1 520+660Hz, 16Hz Modulating Signal 2 520+660Hz, 8Hz Modulating Signal 3 1400+1100Hz 4 1100Hz 5 540Hz 6 1100+1400Hz, 16Hz Modulating Signal 7 660+760Hz, 16Hz Modulating Signal

My Learning Challenges

My Learning Challenges

My Learning Challenges Term 4 – To The Rescue! Monday 1st th– Friday 5 March 1 Daily Literacy Activities Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Eliot Midnight Superhero

Preservation of fruit and vegetables - Journey to Forever

Preservation of fruit and vegetables - Journey to Forever

preserve the various types of fruits and vegetables. Various terms that may be new to readers are defined in the glossary at the end of the booklet. Agromisa welcomes all readers™ comments that could contribute to improving the quality of our publications. A survey form is therefore included in the middle of this booklet, which can be ...

A Field Guide to Selected Trees and Shrubs of the .

A Field Guide to Selected Trees and Shrubs of the .

new spring growth. The buds and flowers are also a brilliant red at this time of year, and it is this late winter-early spring color on which the name 'red maple' is based. The red flowers of spring give way to paired, winged, green fruits, the samaras, during early summer. Few trees tolerate the range of soil conditions as can red maple. Most trees prefer either dry, damp, or wet soil ...

Using the new Nursing Practice Assessment Document

Using the new Nursing Practice Assessment Document

for nurses and midwives (NMC) and Medicines Management • The Episode of Care - A graded assessment of nursing skills and competencies, delivered during an ‘Episode of Care’ with a patient and assessed by the mentor. This means students get credit for practice • There are no bondy levels. Instead a 1-6 grading scale based on what is expected of students in that year • There is no ...

Plato's Republic - Full Text Archive

Plato's Republic - Full Text Archive

history of Athens, as well as a political and physical philosophy. The fragment of the Critias has given birth to a world-famous fiction, second only in importance to the tale of Troy and the legend of Arthur; and is said as a fact to have inspired some of the early navigators of the sixteenth century. This mythical tale, of which the subject

A Discussion Guide for Teachers and Parents

A Discussion Guide for Teachers and Parents

discussion guide on sex or sexual orientation. Rather, used in conjunction with the magazine and film, it is a tool to help you understand the nature of gender and its ramifications as we work ...

Geopolitics: An overview of concepts and empirical .

Geopolitics: An overview of concepts and empirical .

The Finnish Institute of International Affairs Kruunuvuorenkatu 4 FI-00160 Helsinki ISBN: 978-951-769-484-1 ISSN: 2242-0444 Language editing: Lynn Nikkanen The Finnish Institute of International Affairs is an independent research institute that produces high-level research to support political ...File Size: 1MBPage Count: 25

Hand in Hand against Tay-Sachs, The CATS Foundation and .

Hand in Hand against Tay-Sachs, The CATS Foundation and .

Perfect hands and toes are the results from the hands and feet care programme at Hotel Eichingerbauer. If you want to remove annoying hairs from your body? Hair removal and depilation with warm wax applied by a professional will do the trick. ...

Master the Bebop Scale Theory, Patterns, and Licks

Master the Bebop Scale Theory, Patterns, and Licks

Then, move these exercises around the fretboard as you take them to different keys in your study. Lastly, in the examples there’s one arpeggio shape being displayed for each scale exercise. To make these scale exercises more effective, combine them with the appropriate one and two-octave guitar arpeggio shapes. Arpeggio Up Scale Down 1 Octave The first exercise involves playing an arpeggio ...

A Guide To Introduction Medicinal Plants Used By Latinos .

A Guide To Introduction Medicinal Plants Used By Latinos .

medicinal herbs in Madison, and should not be considered as Second Edition August 23, Introduction This pamphlet describes some of the most frequently used medicinal plants by Latinos in Madison. It is the result of a project of Dr. David Kiefer (Research Fellow, UW Department of Family Medicine), with help from numerous other people. The objective of this guide is to begin to collect ...



thank you for downloading the past exam paper and its memo, we hope it will be of help to YOU. SHOULD YOU NEED MORE QUESTION PAPERS AND …File Size: 1MBPage Count: 17

Nail It Then Scale It! - Delegia

Nail It Then Scale It! - Delegia

5. Migrate from one-off projects – to repeatable playbooks – then later to standardized offers. 6. Support customers through ups and downs, while expanding their use of your offerings. 7. Manage contract renewals and expansions effectively. No surprises. 8. Introduce new offers in an expanding portfolio, to extend lifetime value with major customers. 16

SAT Practice Test 10 Answers - College Board

SAT Practice Test 10 Answers - College Board

if the new trains and buses merely clear space on highway lanes for those who would prefer to drive—a group that, historically, has included almost everyone with access to a car.” In this sentence, the author bases his claim about the unintended consequences of building public transit on the expectation that most people would prefer to drive | Eight Official Practice Tests with Answer ...



The aggregate net consumption vector is denoted by x = hxh. Similarly, the net supply vector yg(p, yg) of the gth producer (where g runs from 1 to G) solves max Ig_ py g. yg. s.t. yg yg= {yg: Fg(yg) < 0, (2.2) where p is the vector of producer prices and Yg is a convex production set (Fg.



naval ships’ technical manual chapter 631 preservation of ships in service - general distribution statement c: distribution authorized to u.s. government agencies and their contractors; administrative and operational use (11 nov). other requests for this document will be referred to the naval sea systems command 05p23.

Feminist Jurisprudence: An Evolution from Fixed Mindset to .

Feminist Jurisprudence: An Evolution from Fixed Mindset to .

Introduction Feminism is a set of movement seeking gender equality, a movement to change social, political and economic rights such as equal wage and the right to access to health and education, and equal political rights. In India some of the prevalent issues which are to be curbed by feminism are issues related to employment, globalization, education, sex-select abortion etc. Despite its ...

My Learning Challenges

My Learning Challenges

My Learning Challenges Term 4 – To The Rescue! Monday 1st th– Friday 5 March 1 Daily Literacy Activities Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Eliot Midnight Superhero

 IPS Dterm SERIES I - Hosted Phone Systems in .

IPS Dterm SERIES I - Hosted Phone Systems in .

The Dterm Series i has 8 ringer tones that you can select. • Press Feature and 3. The LCD displays the selected tone number (n=1 ~ 8). Tone No. Frequency/Modulation 1 520+660Hz, 16Hz Modulating Signal 2 520+660Hz, 8Hz Modulating Signal 3 1400+1100Hz 4 1100Hz 5 540Hz 6 1100+1400Hz, 16Hz Modulating Signal 7 660+760Hz, 16Hz Modulating Signal



Then, scale that. Manage “the path to scale’: Adjust objectives, team & structures to growth stage Start-up Stage 1 Growth Stage 2 Growth Core leadership objectives FINDING: Something worth scaling 1.Nail scalable offering 2.Nail go-to-market strategy 3.Nail scalable business model 4.Nail scalable financing model 5.Build basic, reliable operations 6.Sales traction - get to breakeven ...

Clinical Outcomes of Pedal Artery Angioplasty for Patients .

Clinical Outcomes of Pedal Artery Angioplasty for Patients .

(1.60-5.22) HR: 0.43 (0.23-0.78) Nakama T, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol Intv ; 10: 79-90 . Risk-stratification: DH-score Non-ambulatory Depth of wound Daily hemodialysis Delayed wound healing score (DH-score) was evaluated DH-score 1 - 2 Moderate-risk population (n=196) DH-score 3 High-risk population (n=33) Nakama T, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol Intv ; 10: 79-90 DH-score 0 Low-risk …



Nag Hammadi library The Nag Hammadi library (popularly known as The Gnostic Gospels) is a collection of early Christian Gnostic texts discovered near the town of Nag Hammâdi in 1945. That year, twelve leather-bound papyrus codices buried in a sealed jar were found by a local peasant named Mohammed Ali. The writings in these codices comprised fifty-two mostly

La Forêt Noire verte Découvrez nos parcs naturels

La Forêt Noire verte Découvrez nos parcs naturels

grande partie sous forme de neige. Sur plusieures années, on compte en moyenne 157 jours d‘enneigement par an sur le Feldberg. respirer revivre. 14 15 Parc naturel de la Forêt Noire du Centre et du Nord Suggestions d‘excursions Centre de protection de la nature de Ruhestein Le Centre de protection de la nature de Ruhestein est situé sur la Route des Crêtes de Forêt Noire. Les ...

Plato's Republic - Full Text Archive

Plato's Republic - Full Text Archive

history of Athens, as well as a political and physical philosophy. The fragment of the Critias has given birth to a world-famous fiction, second only in importance to the tale of Troy and the legend of Arthur; and is said as a fact to have inspired some of the early navigators of the sixteenth century. This mythical tale, of which the subject

A Discussion Guide for Teachers and Parents

A Discussion Guide for Teachers and Parents

discussion guide on sex or sexual orientation. Rather, used in conjunction with the magazine and film, it is a tool to help you understand the nature of gender and its ramifications as we work ...

Geopolitics: An overview of concepts and empirical .

Geopolitics: An overview of concepts and empirical .

The Finnish Institute of International Affairs Kruunuvuorenkatu 4 FI-00160 Helsinki ISBN: 978-951-769-484-1 ISSN: 2242-0444 Language editing: Lynn Nikkanen The Finnish Institute of International Affairs is an independent research institute that produces high-level research to support political ...File Size: 1MBPage Count: 25

Hand in Hand against Tay-Sachs, The CATS Foundation and .

Hand in Hand against Tay-Sachs, The CATS Foundation and .

Perfect hands and toes are the results from the hands and feet care programme at Hotel Eichingerbauer. If you want to remove annoying hairs from your body? Hair removal and depilation with warm wax applied by a professional will do the trick. ...

A Guide To Introduction Medicinal Plants Used By Latinos .

A Guide To Introduction Medicinal Plants Used By Latinos .

medicinal herbs in Madison, and should not be considered as Second Edition August 23, Introduction This pamphlet describes some of the most frequently used medicinal plants by Latinos in Madison. It is the result of a project of Dr. David Kiefer (Research Fellow, UW Department of Family Medicine), with help from numerous other people. The objective of this guide is to begin to collect ...

Master the Bebop Scale Theory, Patterns, and Licks

Master the Bebop Scale Theory, Patterns, and Licks

Then, move these exercises around the fretboard as you take them to different keys in your study. Lastly, in the examples there’s one arpeggio shape being displayed for each scale exercise. To make these scale exercises more effective, combine them with the appropriate one and two-octave guitar arpeggio shapes. Arpeggio Up Scale Down 1 Octave The first exercise involves playing an arpeggio ...



thank you for downloading the past exam paper and its memo, we hope it will be of help to YOU. SHOULD YOU NEED MORE QUESTION PAPERS AND …File Size: 1MBPage Count: 17

Nail It Then Scale It! - Delegia

Nail It Then Scale It! - Delegia

5. Migrate from one-off projects – to repeatable playbooks – then later to standardized offers. 6. Support customers through ups and downs, while expanding their use of your offerings. 7. Manage contract renewals and expansions effectively. No surprises. 8. Introduce new offers in an expanding portfolio, to extend lifetime value with major customers. 16

SAT Practice Test 10 Answers - College Board

SAT Practice Test 10 Answers - College Board

if the new trains and buses merely clear space on highway lanes for those who would prefer to drive—a group that, historically, has included almost everyone with access to a car.” In this sentence, the author bases his claim about the unintended consequences of building public transit on the expectation that most people would prefer to drive | Eight Official Practice Tests with Answer ...

Feminist Jurisprudence: An Evolution from Fixed Mindset to .

Feminist Jurisprudence: An Evolution from Fixed Mindset to .

Introduction Feminism is a set of movement seeking gender equality, a movement to change social, political and economic rights such as equal wage and the right to access to health and education, and equal political rights. In India some of the prevalent issues which are to be curbed by feminism are issues related to employment, globalization, education, sex-select abortion etc. Despite its ...



The aggregate net consumption vector is denoted by x = hxh. Similarly, the net supply vector yg(p, yg) of the gth producer (where g runs from 1 to G) solves max Ig_ py g. yg. s.t. yg yg= {yg: Fg(yg) < 0, (2.2) where p is the vector of producer prices and Yg is a convex production set (Fg.



naval ships’ technical manual chapter 631 preservation of ships in service - general distribution statement c: distribution authorized to u.s. government agencies and their contractors; administrative and operational use (11 nov). other requests for this document will be referred to the naval sea systems command 05p23.

My Learning Challenges

My Learning Challenges

My Learning Challenges Term 4 – To The Rescue! Monday 1st th– Friday 5 March 1 Daily Literacy Activities Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Eliot Midnight Superhero

 IPS Dterm SERIES I - Hosted Phone Systems in .

IPS Dterm SERIES I - Hosted Phone Systems in .

The Dterm Series i has 8 ringer tones that you can select. • Press Feature and 3. The LCD displays the selected tone number (n=1 ~ 8). Tone No. Frequency/Modulation 1 520+660Hz, 16Hz Modulating Signal 2 520+660Hz, 8Hz Modulating Signal 3 1400+1100Hz 4 1100Hz 5 540Hz 6 1100+1400Hz, 16Hz Modulating Signal 7 660+760Hz, 16Hz Modulating Signal



Then, scale that. Manage “the path to scale’: Adjust objectives, team & structures to growth stage Start-up Stage 1 Growth Stage 2 Growth Core leadership objectives FINDING: Something worth scaling 1.Nail scalable offering 2.Nail go-to-market strategy 3.Nail scalable business model 4.Nail scalable financing model 5.Build basic, reliable operations 6.Sales traction - get to breakeven ...

Clinical Outcomes of Pedal Artery Angioplasty for Patients .

Clinical Outcomes of Pedal Artery Angioplasty for Patients .

(1.60-5.22) HR: 0.43 (0.23-0.78) Nakama T, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol Intv ; 10: 79-90 . Risk-stratification: DH-score Non-ambulatory Depth of wound Daily hemodialysis Delayed wound healing score (DH-score) was evaluated DH-score 1 - 2 Moderate-risk population (n=196) DH-score 3 High-risk population (n=33) Nakama T, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol Intv ; 10: 79-90 DH-score 0 Low-risk …



Nag Hammadi library The Nag Hammadi library (popularly known as The Gnostic Gospels) is a collection of early Christian Gnostic texts discovered near the town of Nag Hammâdi in 1945. That year, twelve leather-bound papyrus codices buried in a sealed jar were found by a local peasant named Mohammed Ali. The writings in these codices comprised fifty-two mostly

La Forêt Noire verte Découvrez nos parcs naturels

La Forêt Noire verte Découvrez nos parcs naturels

grande partie sous forme de neige. Sur plusieures années, on compte en moyenne 157 jours d‘enneigement par an sur le Feldberg. respirer revivre. 14 15 Parc naturel de la Forêt Noire du Centre et du Nord Suggestions d‘excursions Centre de protection de la nature de Ruhestein Le Centre de protection de la nature de Ruhestein est situé sur la Route des Crêtes de Forêt Noire. Les ...