(Enclosure to DepEd Order No. 36, s.)POLICY GUIDELINES ON AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONFOR THE K TO 12 BASIC EDUCATION PROGRAMI.RationaleThe Policy Guidelines on Awards and Recognition for the K to 12 Basic EducationProgram articulates the recognition given to learners who have shown exemplaryperformance in specific areas of their school life. These guidelines are anchored inthe Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program (DepEd OrderNo.8 s), which supports learners’ holistic development in order for them tobecome effective lifelong learners with21st-century skills. This policy aims to giveall learners equal opportunity to excel in relation to the standard set by thecurriculum and focus on their own performance rather than to compete with oneanother. It recognizes that all students have their unique strengths that need to beidentified, strengthened, and publicly acknowledged.In support of the holistic development of Filipino learners, it is important to veeraway from valuing only academic achievement based on high grades and movetoward valuing and celebrating a wide range of student achievements. The awardsaim to acknowledge and promote student excellence in various areas and to provideformal recognition of student achievements that can motivate learners to strive forexcellence in academic, leadership, and social responsibility. In effect, the policyencourages all learners to remarkably and skillfully perform specific kinds of taskscritical to their success in school and at work. Consequently, the policy willinclude all learners and encourage them to be proactive members of their schooland community.In addition to acknowledging and promoting the development of the learners’unique cognitive and other skills that underpin success in school and at work, theawards also aim to nurture the formation of the learners’ values and attitudesanchored on the core values of the Department of Education.Awards and recognition bestowed on learners who have successfully attainedstandards set by the school support the efforts and accomplishments of theselearners and affirm their latent potential, abilities, and dispositions. Learners whofeel good about their abilities and contributions to the school and society are morelikely to be happy, content, and motivated. When these learners are recognized fortheir efforts, they will also persist in their desire to excel.The giving of awards and recognition is but one of the many ways by whichteachers and schools provide students with positive feedback and affirmation,which can improve the learner’s confidence, self-awareness, and enthusiasm forlearning. Other ways by which teachers can provide learners with informationabout their competence or the value of their accomplishments can be explored. Amotivating environment that promotes respect for student diversity and dedication
to learning contributes to the creation of a positive school climate that supports thewell-being and achievement of all students.II.What awards do we give?Classroom Awards are recognition given to learners in each class or section. Asimple recognition may be given per quarter, semester, or at the end of the schoolyear. Awardees are given merit by the adviser and/or other subject teachers inrecognition of the learners’ outstanding performance in class.Grade-level Awards are given to qualified learners for every grade level at the endof the school year. Candidates for the awards are deliberated by the AwardsCommittee (AC) if they have met the given criteria.Special Recognition is given by the school to the learners who have representedand/or won in competitions at the district, division, regional, national,orinternational levels. This is to publicly affirm learners who have brought honor tothe school.A. Classroom Awards1. Performance Awards for KindergartenLearners in Kindergarten should be recognized for their most evident and mostprominent abilities. They can also be recognized for showing significantimprovement in a specific area (e.g., from having poor fine-motor skills to beingable to draw or write well). Since kindergarten learners have no numerical grades,teachers are advised to recognize outstanding achievement of learners based on thedifferent domains and/or learning competencies of the kindergarten curriculum atthe end of every quarter.Since all learners must be given equal opportunity to excel and demonstrate theirstrengths, an award may be given to more than one learner. Teachers can choosefrom the domains and skills listed in Appendix 1. They have the option to providecreative or unique titles for each award appropriate to their context and community(e.g., in mother tongue).2. Conduct AwardsThese awards are given to learners who have been observed to consistentlydemonstrate the DepEd core values (Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan,Makabansa).2.1. Character Traits for Kindergarten to Grade 3These awards are given to younger learners to affirm their positive traits andattitudes or to recognize significant improvement in their behavior. Teachers canchoose from, but are not limited to, the character traits listed in Appendix 2. TheyPage 2 of 15
also have the option to provide creative or unique titles for each award appropriateto their context and community.2.2. Conduct Awards for Grades 4 to 12Conduct Awards for grades 4 to 12 in each class will be given at the end of theschool year. This will be based on the evaluation of the adviser and subjectteachers, using the guidelines stipulated in Section VI of DepEd Order No. 8, s. Awardees must have consistently and dutifully carried out the core values ofthe Department as indicated in the report card. They must have obtained a ratingof at least 75% “Always Observed” (AO) at the end of the school year (with at least21 out of 28 AO rating in the report card). They also must have not beensanctioned with offenses punishable by suspension or higher sanction within theschool year according to the Department’s service manual and child protectionpolicies.3. Academic Excellence AwardThe Award for Academic Excellence within the quarter is given to learners fromgrades 1 to 12 who have attained an average of at least 90 and passed all learningareas.The Average Grade per Quarter is reported as a whole number following DepEdOrder No. 8, s..Table 1 shows the specific Academic Excellence Award given to learners who meetthe following cut-off grades.Table 1. Academic Excellence AwardAcademic Excellence Award1. With Highest Honors/May Pinakamataasna Karangalan2. With High Honors/May Mataas naKarangalan3. With Honors/May KarangalanAverage Grade per Quarter98–10095–9790–944. Recognition for Perfect AttendanceThis award is given at the end of every quarter to encourage learners to attend andactively participate in class. Perfect attendance means that a learner must bepresent in all of his/her classes, and must have no absencesfor the entire quarter.Learners who arerepresenting the school for various purposes (e.g., in-school or offcampus activities) may also qualify for this award.Page 3 of 15
B. Grade-level Awards1. Academic Excellence AwardAt the end of the school year, the Academic Excellence Award is given to learnersfrom grades 1 to 12 who have attained a General Average of at least 90 andapassing Final Grade in all learning areas.The General Average is reported as a whole number following DepEd Order No. 8, s.The class advisers will give to the AC the list of qualified learners to be awardedduring a school ceremony. Refer to Table 2 for the Academic Excellence Award atthe end of the school year.Table 2. Academic Excellence AwardAcademic Excellence Award1. With Highest Honors/May Pinakamataasna Karangalan2. With High Honors/May Mataas naKarangalan3. With Honors/May KarangalanGeneral Average98–10095–9790–942. Leadership AwardThe leadership award is given to learners in grades 6, 10, and 12 who havedemonstrated exemplary skills in motivating others and organizing projects thathave significantly contributed to the betterment of the school and/or community.This award is given during the completion or graduation ceremony.To qualify for this award, a learner must:1. Have no failing grades in any of the learning areas.2. Have not committed any offense punishable by suspension or highersanction according to the Department’s service manual and child protectionpolicies in the current school year.3. Be a class officer or an active member/officer of any recognized school club,team, or organization.Table 3 shows the set of criteria and weights that will be used by advisers andpeers in the evaluation and deliberation process. Schools may opt to add moreindicators based on the decision of the AC. Candidates will be evaluated by at least30% of their peers (group, team, class, or club mates) as well as their class or clubadvisers. Only those learners who have met at least 90% of the criteria on the nextpage shall be awarded.Page 4 of 15
Table 3. Criteria for Leadership AwardWeightAdvisersPeersCriteria1. Motivational Skills (40%)a. Communicates effectivelyb. Shows initiative and responsibilityc. Engages group and/or club mates to participateactivelyd. Establishes collaborative relationshipse. Resolves conflicts2. Planning and Organizational Skills (40%)a. Plans and designs relevant activities for the class,club and/or schoolb. Implements planned activities effectively andefficientlyc. Monitors implementation of plans and tasksd. Manages and/or uses resources wisely3. Contribution to the School and/or Community (20%)Renders service and/or implements activities relevantto the school population and/or communityTotal24%16%24%16%12%8%60%40%3. Award for Outstanding Performance in Specific DisciplinesThese awards are given to recognize learners in grades 6, 10, and 12 who haveexhibited exemplary skills and achievement in specific disciplines. These disciplinesare Athletics, Arts, Communication Arts, Mathematics and Science, SocialSciences, and Technical-Vocational Education (Tech-Voc). These awards also valuethe learner’s achievement in a specific discipline that has contributed to the schooland/or community. Table 4 on page 7 specifies the criteria and weights for theseawards.There may be more than one category of awards under the following disciplines:Athletics, Arts, Communication Arts, and Tech-Voc. There will be no separateawards for special programs.3.1 AthleticsThis award is given to learners who have shown outstanding skills in athletics(particularly in games and sports) through participation and victories incompetitions, as well as discipline in training and sportsmanlike conduct andcharacter.The academic rating that will be considered for this award would be the student’sfinal grade in Physical Education.Page 5 of 15
3.2 Arts (e.g., visual, media, music, or performing arts)This award is given to learners who have consistently demonstrated outstandingskills in the arts and above average creativity and craftsmanship exemplifiedthrough contribution to school’s various functions and events.The academic rating that will be considered for this award is the final grade inMusic, Arts, or Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions for Senior HighSchool (SHS).3.3 Communication ArtsThis award is given to learners who have demonstrated proficiency in any language(Filipino, English, or other foreign languages), in written or in oral communication,shown creativity in expressing ideas in written or oral activities in various subjects,and contributed to the school community.The academic rating that will be considered for this award is the student’s finalgrade in Filipino, English, or other foreign-language subjects and related learningareas in Senior High Schoolspecific to the award.3.4 ScienceThis award is given to learners who have high academic standing in Science,demonstrated passion for science expressed through an excellent attitude towardscience work, shown enthusiasm for science which positively influences otherstudents in class and the wider school community, and displayed inquisitivenessaboutthe environment, how things work, and how natural processes occur.The academic rating that will be considered for this award is the student’s finalgrade in Science for grades 6 and 10, or the average rating for the two core Sciencesubjects in SHS.3.5 MathematicsThis award is given to learners who have high academic standing in Mathematics,demonstrated passion for math expressed through an excellent attitude towardmath work, and shown enthusiasm for math, which positively impacts otherstudents in class.The academic rating that will be considered for this award is the student’s finalgrade in Mathematics for grades 6 and 10, or the average rating for the coreMathematics subjects in SHS.3.6 Social SciencesThis award is given to learners who have high academic standing in social sciences.They have consistently demonstrated the willingness and ability to contribute toand participate in activities that serve the common good. They have used theirknowledge, skills, and disposition in history, geography, economics, and otherareas of the social sciences to promote the common good and to achieve sharedPage 6 of 15
ends for others in the school and/or community above and beyond their personalgood.The academic rating that will be considered for this award is the student’s finalgrade in Araling Panlipunan for grades 6 and 10, or the average rating for the coreSocial Science subjects Personal Development/Pansariling Kaunlaran andUnderstanding Culture, Society, and Politics) in SHS.3.7 Technical-Vocational EducationThis award is given to learners who have consistently exhibited exemplary skillsand achievement in their area of specialization in technical-vocational (Tech-Voc)education. They have applied their knowledge and skills in Tech-Voc to projectsand activities that have contributed to the school and/or community.The academic rating that will be considered for this award i