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PREFACEThis document provides a table and list of the State of Florida’s imperiled species ofwildlife. It includes species listed at the Federal level as Endangered, Threatened, ThreatenedDue to Similarity of Appearance, or Non-Essential Experimental by the U. S. Fish and WildlifeService (USFWS) and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). It also includes species listedat the State level as State-designated Threatened and Species of Special Concern by the FloridaFish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC).FWC is a constitutional agency, and its authority to regulate and manage most wildlifecomes from the Florida constitution. FWC was created by a 1998 amendment to the State ofFlorida constitution merging the former Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission (GFC), aconstitutional agency, the former Marine Fisheries Commission, and certain parts of the FloridaDepartment of Environmental Protection (FDEP), both statutory agencies. At the time of themerger, there were several wildlife species, not under the constitutional authority of the GFC, forwhich the Florida Legislature had given some statutory authority to regulate and manage toFDEP. The authority for FWC to regulate and manage these species, listed in Rule 68A-27.0031,Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), comes from this statutory authority, not constitutionalauthority. These species are included in this document for the convenience of the user, but theyare not included in rules codifying the Florida Endangered and Threatened Species List (Rule68A-27.003, F.A.C.) or the Species of Special Concern list (Rule 68A-27.005, F.A.C.). TheFederal listing status of these species shown in Rule 68A-27.0031 is that of the species in 1998and does not reflect any status changes since that time. However, the status of these species inthis document does reflect their status as of the date of this document.In November, FWC established an imperiled species management system andrevised its imperiled species asp?Chapter 68A-27). All species listed by theUSFWS and NMFS that occur in Florida are now included on Florida Endangered andThreatened Species List as Federally-designated Endangered, Federally-designated Threatened,Federally-designated Threatened Due to Similarity of Appearance, or Federally-designated NonEssential Experimental population species. Species listed by the FWC are included on theFlorida Endangered and Threatened Species List as State-designated Threatened species.The revised imperiled species management system abolishes the species of specialconcern (SSC) category once all species on that list are reclassified as State-designatedThreatened, found to not meet any of the State’s listing criteria or become Federally listed. Untilthen, the FWC will continue to maintain a separate Species of Special Concern list. Thesespecies are included in this document.The State lists of plants, which are designated Endangered, Threatened, andCommercially Exploited, are administered and maintained by the Florida Department ofAgriculture and Consumer Services (DOACS) via Chapter 5B-40, F.A.C. This list of plants canbe obtained at -Species.The Federal list of Endangered and Threatened animals and plants is administered by theUSFWS and is published in 50 CFR 17 (animals) and 50 CFR 23 (plants). Additionalinformation regarding Federal listings can be located at the following websites; NMFS and Florida’s Official Endangered and Threatened Species List2
USFWS - .Common and scientific names listed first are as they appear in the Florida Administrative Code, Title68A. Common and/or scientific names following this and located within parentheses ( ) are names asused by USFWS, or other commonly used names.Bradley J. Gruver, Ph. D., SCP Section LeaderNatalie Montero, Assistant Listed Species CoordinatorSpecies Conservation Planning SectionDivision of Habitat and Species ConservationFlorida Fish and Wildlife Conservation CommissionCover Photos by FWC Staff: Key Largo Woodrat, Burrowing Owls, Okaloosa Darter, Schaus’ swallowtail butterfly,Short-tailed Snake.Florida’s Official Endangered and Threatened Species List3
NUMERICAL SUMMARY OF SPECIESListed by the State of Florida as Federally-designated Endangered (FE), Federally-designatedThreatened (FT), Federally-designated Threatened due to Similarity of Appearance [FT(S/A)],Federal Non-Essential Experimental Population (FXN), State-designated Threatened (ST), orState Species of Special Concern 629164239SSC0000011TOTAL13(2)420(5)3127 (6)36131(13)1Numbers in the parentheses are the number of species for which the FWC does not haveconstitutional authority. The status in Rule 68A-27.0031 is the Federal status these species hadwhen the FWC was created by amendment to the Florida Constitution, adopted in 1998. Thestatus of these species listed in here is their current Federal status as of December.2There is one additional species included in Rule 68A-27.0031 as a species for which the FWCdoes not have constitutional authority. This species is not included here because it has beendetermined to be extinct.Florida’s Official Endangered and Threatened Species List4
FLORIDA’S ENDANGERED AND THREATENED SPECIESLISTVERTEBRATESFISHCommon NameAtlantic sturgeonBlackmouth shinerBluenose shinerCrystal darterGiant manta rayGulf sturgeonKey silversideNassau grouperOkaloosa darterSaltmarsh topminnowShortnose sturgeonSmalltooth sawfishSouthern tessellated darterScientific NameAcipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchusNotropis melanostomusPteronotropis welakaCrystallaria asprellaManta birostrisAcipenser oxyrinchus [ oxyrhynchus]desotoiMenidia conchorumEpinephelus striatusEtheostoma okalossaeFundulus jenkinsiAcipenser brevirostrumPristis pectinateEtheostoma olmstedi maculaticepsStatusFESTSTSTFTFT1Scientific NameLithobates okaloosaeAmbystoma cingulatumEurycea wallaceiAmbystoma bishopiStatusSTFTSTFEScientific NameAlligator mississippiensisCrocodylus acutusNerodia clarkii taeniataGraptemys barbouriPlestiodon egregius lividusDrymarchon corais couperiStoreria IBIANSCommon NameFlorida bog frogFrosted flatwoods salamanderGeorgia blind salamanderReticulated flatwoodssalamanderREPTILESCommon NameAmerican alligatorAmerican crocodileAtlantic salt marsh snakeBarbour’s map turtleBluetail mole skinkEastern indigo snakeFlorida brown snakeFlorida’s Endangered and Threatened Species List5
Common NameFlorida Keys mole skinkFlorida pine snakeGopher tortoiseGreen sea turtleHawksbill sea turtleKemp’s ridley sea turtleKey ringneck snakeLeatherback sea turtleLoggerhead sea turtleRim rock crowned snakeSand skinkShort-tailed snakeSuwannee alligator snappingturtleScientific NamePlestiodon egregius egregiusPituophis melanoleucus mugitusGopherus polyphemusChelonia mydasEretmochelys imbricataLepidochelys kempiiDiadophis punctatus acricusDermochelys coriaceaCaretta carettaTantilla ooliticaPlestiodon reynoldsiLampropeltis extenuateMarcochelys cientific NameHaematopus palliatusPolyborus plancus auduboniiVermivora bachmaniiRynchops nigerAmmodramus maritimus mirabilisNumenius borealisRostrhamus sociabilis plumbeusAthene cunicularia floridanaAmmodramus savannarum floridanusAntigone canadensis pratensisAphelocoma coerulescensCampephilus principalisSetophaga kirtlandii (Dendroicakirtlandii)Sternula antillarumEgretta caeruleaCistothorus palustris marianaeCharadrius melodusPicoides n NameAmerican oystercatcherAudubon’s crested caracaraBachman’s wood warblerBlack skimmerCape Sable seaside sparrowEskimo curlewEverglade snail kiteFlorida burrowing owlFlorida grasshopper sparrowFlorida sandhill craneFlorida scrub-jayIvory-billed woodpeckerKirtland’s warbler (Kirtland’swood warbler)Least ternLittle blue heronMarian’s marsh wrenPiping ploverRed-cockaded woodpeckerFlorida’s Official Endangered and Threatened Species ListSTSTSTFTFE6
Common NameReddish egretRoseate spoonbillRoseate ternRufa red knotScott’s seaside sparrowSnowy ploverSoutheastern American kestrelTricolored heronWakulla seaside sparrowWhite-crowned pigeonWhooping craneWorthington’s marsh wrenWood storkScientific NameEgretta rufescensPlatalea ajajaSterna dougallii dougalliiCalidris canutus rufaAmmodramus maritimus peninsulaeCharadrius nivosusFalco sparverius paulusEgretta tricolorAmmodramus maritimus juncicolaPatagioenas leucocephalaGrus americanaCistothorus palustris griseusMycteria americanaStatusSTSTFTFTSTSTSTSTSTSTFXNSTFTCommon NameAnastasia Island beach mouseBig Cypress fox squirrelChoctawhatchee beach mouseEverglades minkFinback whaleFlorida bonneted batFlorida pantherFlorida salt marsh voleScientific NamePeromyscus polionotus phasmaSciurus niger avicenniaPeromyscus polionotus allophrysNeovison vison evergladensisBalaenoptera physalusEumops floridanusPuma [ Felis] concolor coryiMicrotus pennsylvanicus dukecampbelliStatusFESTFESTFE1FEFEFEGray batGray wolfHumpback whaleIndiana batKey deerKey Largo cotton mouseKey Largo woodratLower Keys rabbitNorth Atlantic right whalePerdido Key beach mouseRed wolfMyotis grisescensCanis lupusMegaptera novaeangliaeMyotis sodalisOdocoileus virginianus claviumPeromyscus gossypinus allapaticolaNeotoma floridana smalliSylvilagus palustris hefneriEubalaena glacialisPeromyscus polionotus trissyllepsisCanis rufusFEFE2FE1FEFEFEFEFEFE1FEFEMAMMALSFlorida’s Official Endangered and Threatened Species List7
Common NameRice ratSanibel Island rice ratSei whaleSherman’s short-tailed shrewSoutheastern beach mouseSperm whaleSt. Andrew beach mouseWest Indian manatee (Floridamanatee)Scientific NameOryzomys palustris natatorOryzomys palustris sanibeliBalaenoptera borealisBlarina shermaniPeromyscus polionotus niveiventrisPhyseter macrocephalusPeromyscus polionotus peninsularisTrichechus manatus(Trichechus manatus latirostris)StatusFE3STFE1STFTFE1FEFT1Scientific NameOrbicella franksiAcropora palmataOrbicella annularisOrbicella faveolataDendrogyra cylindricusMycetophyllia feroxAcropora cervicornisStatusFTFTFTFTFTFTFTScientific NameProcambarus pictusProcambarus econfinaeProcambarus erythropsPalaemonetes cummingiStatusSTSSCSTFTScientific NameNicrophorus americanusStrymon acis bartramiLeptotes cassius theonusStatusFEFEFT(S/A)INVERTEBRATESCORALSCommon NameBoulder star coralElkhorn coralLobed star coralMountainous star coralPillar coralRough cactus coralStaghorn coralCRUSTACEANSCommon NameBlack Creek crayfishPanama City crayfishSanta Fe cave crayfishSquirrel Chimney Cave shrimpINSECTSCommon NameAmerican burying beetleBartram’s scrub-hairstreakCassius blue butterflyFlorida’s Official Endangered and Threatened Species List8
Common NameCeraunus blue butterflyFlorida leafwingMiami blue butterflyMiami tiger beetleNickerbean blue butterflySchaus swallowtail butterflyScientific NameHemiargus ceraunus antibubastusAnaea troglodyta floridalisCyclargus thomasi bethunebakeriCicindelidia floridanaCyclargus ammonHeraclides ari