Forever keeping process controlsafe, efficient, and intuitive.Catalog of Fisher Control Valves and InstrumentsEnabling the performance and safety of industry.
Proper control valve selectionis critical for your process loop.Performance and safety are two of the key concerns in plantstoday. Since control valves are the only devices in the controlloop that actually move to adjust the process, their performanceis fundamental. If they don’t perform properly, you can’t meetproduction schedules and maintain product quality.Then there’s safety. When there’s a lack of knowledge ofcontrol valve position or operation, you could threaten workersafety, cause environmental concerns, and potentially damageoperating equipment.That’s a lot of pressure on you to select the right controlvalve type, right control valve design, and right control valvemanufacturer for performance and safety.To achieve above-peer growth in a low growth world, best-in-classfirms are innovating with products that offer more automation,safety, and simplicity features.–Baird Industrial ResearchThe criterion of capacity or size can be an overriding constraint oncontrol valve selection.Standards committees have not agreed upon a single method forselecting valve trim for severe service applications that experiencecavitation, noise, or flashing.Because control valves are installed in many different and uniqueapplications, control valve accessories are necessary. Diagnosticsmay also be needed to provide control valve performance and healthevaluations.1
Your control valves are critical to the performance and safety of yourprocess, but when there are so many to choose from, you may feel uncertainabout which ones offer the most value.2
Emerson’s Fisher control valves andinstruments put you on the path to betterperformance and safety.We realize there’s a good chance that your control valves and instruments will need to last youdecades—even in harsh environments. By selecting Fisher brand control valves (globe, rotary,severe service), controllers, and instruments you can more easily meet your performance andsafety requirements. This is possible because their as-designed performance integrity has beentested to ensure the highest degree of lasting reliability is achieved.Fisher valves and instruments can help you increase performance and safety from general tothe most severe or critical service conditions you experience.3
Since 1880, Fisher valves and instruments have been trusted by the processcontrol industry. Today, the easily recognizable all-green paint identifies valvescarrying the Fisher brand.Meet changing process demandswith valve trim variations.Fisher globe control valves have a selection of cages orplugs that can be interchanged to modify the inherentflow characteristic to meet changing flow demands.Globe Control Valves u p5Get high capacity, precise flowcontrol for a lower total cost ofownership.Fisher rotary control valves provide high capacity controlacross a broad range of applications.Rotary Control Valves u p7Extend valve operating life in themost difficult installations.Modulate control valves andmonitor process variables.Fisher critical and severe service control valves solvetough control challenges and give longer service life and alower total cost of ownership. Protect against cavitation,flashing, erosive fluids, high-pressure flow, and excessivenoise and vibration.Fisher controllers and instruments modulate valveposition and control variables such as level, pressure,or temperature. Diagnostics provide insight into valveperformance and reliability.Controllers and Instruments u p11Critical and Severe Service Control Valves u p94
Globe Control ValvesMeet changing process demands with control valvetrim variations.Fisher globe control valves are available in a variety of sizes (NPS ½ thru 36) and provide users withperformance and flexibility. They can help solve an array of application needs from big to small, hotto cold, general to severe. Fisher globe control valves have a selection of valve cages or plugs thatcan be interchanged to modify the inherent flow characteristic to linear, equal percentage, or quickopening to meet capacity demands from 0.0001 Cv up to 12,000 Cv. Fisher easy-e control valvespioneered the use of cage-guided trim.5What’s your challenge?What’s your opportunity?To achieve above-peer growth in a low growthworld, best-in-class firms are innovating withproducts that offer more automation, safety, andsimplicity features.–Baird Industrial ResearchThe singular valve body design of the Fisher easy-evalve adapts to a broad range of applications.A choice of trim sizes and styles enables you tomaximize control as well as minimize your investment.
Globe ValvesGlobe Valves use a linear motion to move a closure member into and out of a seating surface. They have abody distinguished by a globular-shaped cavity around the port region. Many single-seated valve bodiesuse cage or retainer-style constructions to retain the seat ring, provide valve plug guiding, and providea means for establishing particular valve flow characteristics. Cage or retainer-style single-seated valvebodies can also be easily modified by the change of trim parts to provide reduced capacity flow, noiseattenuation, or reduction or elimination of cavitation. u easy-e ED easy-e ES easy-e ET easy-e EZ easy-e EW easy-e Cryogenic HP EH GX D D3 D4 RSSAngle ValvesAngle Valves are a globe valve design in which the inlet and outlet ports are perpendicular to each other.Angle valves are commonly used in boiler feedwater and heater drain service and in piping schemeswhere space is at a premium and the valve can also serve as an elbow. The valve can have cage-styleconstruction or expanded outlet connections, restricted trim, or outlet liners for reduction of erosion,flashing, or cavitation damage. Angle valves achieve excellent control of liquid services in high-pressureapplications. u HP EH DA FB D2T FloPro 461Three-Way ValvesThree-Way Valves are a type of globe valve that have three pipeline connections to provide converging(flow-mixing) or diverging (flow-splitting) service. Variations include cage-, port-, and stem-guideddesigns, selections for high-temperature service, and end connections can be specified to mate with mostpiping schemes. u YD and YS GX Fisher to find additional resources or contact a sales office.6
Rotary Control ValvesGet high capacity, precise flow control for a lower totalcost of ownership.Rotary control valves generally have much higher maximum capacity than globe valves for agiven body size. This fact makes rotary control valves attractive in applications where the pressuredrop is rather small. Rotary control valves include ball, segmented ball, high-performancebutterfly, and eccentric plug styles with such familiar names as Fisher Vee-Ball and FisherControl-Disk valves.7What’s your challenge?What’s your opportunity?The criterion of capacity or size can be an overridingconstraint on control valve selection.The advantages of rotary control valves includegreater flow capacities, higher control ranges,compact overall sizes, superior shaft sealing, andbeing applicable to a wide range of control situations.
Ball ValvesBall Valves with trunnions help maintain consistent flow rates for high capacity, heavy-duty applications.They have a rotatable ball with a cylindrical flow passage through the center to the control flow. Whenthe ball is turned one-quarter of the way, the flow stops. The port of a full-port or full-bore ball valveequals the pipeline diameter and presents little or no restriction to flow to allow for pigging when notattenuated. The port of a reduced-port or reduced-bore ball valve is smaller than the pipe to absorb asmall amount of pressure drop. u V250 V260 V270 V280Segmented Ball ValvesSegmented Ball Valves provide high capacity, precise control across a broad range of applications. Theyare similar to a conventional ball valve, but with a contoured V-notch segment in the ball. This controlvalve has good rangeability, control, and shutoff capability. The V-notch ball provides positive shearingaction and produces an inherent equal percentage flow characteristic. It provides non-clogging, highcapacity flow control. The V-notch ball has been specially contoured to maximize capacity and enhanceseal life and shutoff integrity. u Vee-Ball V150 Vee-Ball V200 Vee-Ball V300 Vee-Ball V150S Vee-Ball V150E Vee-Ball V200UHigh-Performance Butterfly ValvesHigh-Performance Butterfly Valves are used in throttling applications requiring large flow capacities andsmall installed footprints. They use a rotating eccentric disk to control flow through a pipe. The disk isgenerally operable through 90 degrees and provides a linear flow characteristic. Their advantages includea straight-through flow path, very high capacity, and ability to pass solids and viscous media. These valveshave nominal sizes from DN50 to DN1800 (from NPS 2 to 72) and pressure class up to PN420 (CL2500according to ASME) depending on the model. u Control-Disk A11 8532 8560 8580 8590Eccentric Plug ValvesEccentric Plug Valves combine globe valve ruggedness with the efficiency of a rotary valve so they’re alsoreferred to as rotary globe. They have a plug-shaped, flow-restricting member that follows an eccentricpath as it rotates. u V500 CV500 Fisher to find additional resources or contact a sales office.8
Critical and Severe Service Control ValvesExtend valve operating life in the most difficult installations.Fisher severe service control valves are used in the most difficult installations within your processplant. These installations commonly including cavitating, erosive, corrosive, flashing, outgassing,noisy, high pressure, high temperature, high pressure drop, or high velocity media that can causepremature failure. A severe service control valve may or may not be a critical service valve—onethat’s essential to the operation of the plant. To maximize longevity in harsh conditions, we offerstandard control valves, modified-standard control valves, and custom control valve designs.Popular severe service trims include Fisher Whisper Trim , Fisher WhisperFlo , Fisher Cavitrol , andFisher Dirty Service Trim (DST).9What’s your challenge?What’s your opportunity?Standards committees have not agreed upon asingle method for selecting valve trim for severeservice applications that experience cavitation,noise, or flashing.With advanced technology comes the potential forincreased complexity. Leverage Emerson expertiseto identify a control valve configuration that canmeet your required performance level and eliminateconcerns like noise and cavitation.
Noise Control TrimsAerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Noise Control Trims are trusted and tested to protect your personneland the surrounding environment from excessive noise risks. High pressure drops and high mass flowsinvolving liquids, gases, vapors, or steam can lead to unwanted and dangerous noise levels. Allowingthis noise to continue puts you at risk of fenceline noise regulation fines or potential employee hearingloss. High noise levels can also lead to equipment damage through vibration and process control issues.Mitigate your risk by choosing Fisher products. u Whisper Trim I Whisper Trim III WhisperFlo Inline Diffusers Vent DiffusersCavitation Control TrimsClean and Dirty Service Anti-Cavitation Trims prevent cavitation as the liquid undergoes a portion of thetotal pressure drop in each stage. This prevents the liquid in any stage from falling to or below its vaporpressure, avoiding cavitation. Cavitation is a concern for plant operators and maintenance personnelbecause it not only decreases flow capability through control valves, but it may also cause materialdamage, excessive noise, and excessive vibration. A wide range of cavitation-control technologies areavailable for clean and dirty service. u Cavitrol III CAV III Micro-Flat DST NotchFlo DST Micro-Flat CAV4 Cavitrol HexCavitrol III Trim Cavitrol III Micro-Flat TrimDigital Isolation SolutionsDigital Isolation Solutions are specifically designed for critical applications where safety is imperative.As the final control element within the Safety Instrumented System, each solution is comprised of acomplete, intelligent valve assembly that has been pre-engineered for functional safety. Factory testingand documentation provide a “birth certificate” so you can be confident solutions will perform as needed.All solutions are supported by a team of Emerson safety, application, and service experts.u Triple Offset ValveSteam Conditioning Valves and DesuperheatersSteam Conditioning Valves represent state-of-the-art control of steam pressure and temperature bycombining both functions within one integral control unit. u CVX TBX TBX-TDesuperheaters inject a controlled, predetermined amount of water into a steam flow to lower thetemperature of the steam. u DMA DMA/AF DSA DFA DVI Yarway AT-18/28 Yarway AT 38/48 Yarway 25 VenTemp Yarway 4300 TempLow Fisher to find additional resources or contact a sales office.10
Controllers and InstrumentsModulate control valves and monitor process variables.A wide selection of Fisher digital, pneumatic, and electronic instruments control valve positionand variables such as level, pressure, or temperature. They are added to control valves for five basicreasons: to improve process control; improve safety; monitor the valve responsiveness; diagnoseissues; and improve valve performance or speed of response. We were the first to develop digitalvalve controllers—Fisher FIELDVUE instruments—and performance diagnostics for improvedcontrol and predictive maintenance.11What’s your challenge?What’s your opportunity?Because control valves are installed in manydifferent and unique applications, contro