

Welcome Guide tothe University of BelgradeContentsWhy Study at the University of BelgradeRector’s ForewordAcademic ExcellenceUniversity of Belgrade at a GlanceUniversity MembersStudying at the University of BelgradeAcademic InformationBecoming a Student Enrolling in degree studies Exchange and mobility opportunitiesfor incoming studentsAcademic and Administrative Staff MobilityLiving & Studying in Belgrade: Useful InformationAbout BelgradeCulture and EntertainmentEntering the Country and Temporary Stay PermitAccommodationCost of LivingCost of StudyingArriving in BelgradeErasmus Student NetworkSerbian LanguageOther Useful 526273

Why Study at theUniversity of BelgradeRector’s ForewordWelcome to the University of Belgrade! I invite you to learnmore about the academic community of the University ofBelgrade and the opportunities we provide to prepare you forglobal challenges. This publication offers relevant and useful information about our University and variety of academic programs. Iam certain that we are able to meet your expectations.The University of Belgrade, the biggest and oldest university inSerbia, is a comprehensive, research-oriented university dedicatedto academic excellence. The University of Belgrade is positionedamong the top 400 universities in the world by the Academic Ranking of World Universities, also known as ‘Shanghai Rankings’. TheUniversity is ranked in 28 of the 55 available Subject Rankings.Our academic excellence is closely linked to our third mission andour commitment to reach the Sustainable Development Goals.Our position in South-Eastern Europe, at the crossroads of allfour sides of the globe, represents an ideal venue for acquiring anexcellent education and enjoying the vibrant city of Belgrade. TheUniversity of Belgrade offers a broad spectrum of study programscovering all areas of engineering, natural sciences, medical sciences, social sciences and humanities. Our students of today are thewell-qualified professionals of tomorrow. Become acquainted with4 sour curricula and find the onethat suits you best. Duringyour studies and professionaldevelopment, you will experience our cultural diversity,tradition and warm hospitality. The friends you make inBelgrade will be there for youlong after you have completed your education.The University, with its 31 faculties, 11 research institutes, auxiliary services, friendly teaching and administrative staff are readilyavailable to support you during your studies. The one-hundredthousand strong student body of the University of Belgrade hasentrusted us with their education and training to meet the challenges of this century.I hope that you will join us.Prof. Ivanka Popović, PhD

Why Study in BelgradeAcademic ExcellenceLocated at the confluence of the Savaand the Danube rivers and just fewhundred kilometers away from Venice,Vienna, Budapest, Ljubljana, Zagreb andSarajevo, the geographical position ofBelgrade is an excellent spot for youngpeople to gain high-quality universityeducation while living in a modern anddynamic European metropolis.Geographical proximity to prestigiousuniversity centers of the neighboringcountries has additionally motivatedthe University of Belgrade to strive forexcellence in science and education,which has also been reflected in itsconstantly improving place at globalranking lists of the world’s bestuniversities.For several years in a row, the Universityof Belgrade has held high placementat global academic ranking lists.In, the University of Belgrade hasbeen ranked among top 400 universitiesin the world at possibly the most prestigious global ranking list published byAcademic Ranking of World Universities(ARWU), also known as Shanghai Ranking. Shanghai Ranking places the University of Belgrade among the three bestranked universities from the East andSouth-East Europe.In Serbia, it stands out as the universitythat educates the highest number ofprofessionals in a wide variety of fieldsof study, while its international successcontinuously strengthens its position ofthe leading higher education institution inthe region.Common European Education Area withan emphasis on mobility of students andstaff.Foreign students can chose between twopossibilities: they can choose one amongthe 71 study programs in the Englishlanguage, or they can enroll in intensiveSerbian language course at the UB Faculty of Philology – Center for Serbianas a Foreign Language, and after theysuccessfully complete it, they can choseany study program (from among 426 ofthem), offered at 31 different faculties ofthe University of Belgrade.All study programs have been harmonized with the principles of the BolognaDeclaration, with the aim to make theUniversity of Belgrade.

University of BelgradeAt a GlanceMore than200Ranked between 301 and 400world’s best universities(ARWU aka Shanghai List)years of tradition71 426study programstaught in Englishand French100 esearchinstitutesfunds to supportthe best students

CIPEUREKAErasmus AUFBSUNEUA BUNCOSTIPADRCFP7Erasmus ERCCEEPUSMundus lprogramsTEMPUS200 Erasmus KA1 Projectsagreements with250 bilateraluniversities around the globein on3869 papersSCI, SSCI and AHCI listsandresearch staff5 000 academicLibrary’s3 500 000 UniversityvolumesHost of the EuropeanUniversities Games (EUSA)Host of the 25th Summer UniversiadeEESTECBESTInternational istration and GovernanceProf. Dr. Ivanka PopovićRectorProf. Dr. Petar BulatVice-Rector for EducationProf. Dr. Nenad ZrnićVice-Rector for International and Interuniversity CooperationProf. Dr. Gordana Ilić PopovVice-Rector for Business Administration and DevelopmentProf. Dr. Petar MarinVice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer

Studying at theUniversity of BelgradeAcademic InformationThe academic year consists of two semesters and exam termsthat take place at the end of each semester.Exam terms are organized in accordance with the annual planof exams of a higher education institution.Exam schedule is made at the beginning of each academic year.Academic Term: SEMESTERSTUDY TERMSTART MONTH * END MONTH * EXAM PERIOD *Fall SemesterOctoberSummer Semester MarchDecemberJanuary - FebruaryMayJune - SeptemberGrading ScaleStudents’ success in the exams is reflected bygrades from 5 (fail) to 10 (excellent). Student canachieve maximum of 100 points.Number of PointsFromToexcellent91100exceptionally good8190very good7180good6170sufficient5160fail050Grades Classification1098765* Exact start/end dates may vary among specific UB facultiesCourses For Visiting StudentsDepending on the type of their mobility, visiting students may either choosecourses from a specific study area, if so stipulated by the agreement, or maybe eligible to take any course offered at the specific host faculty of the University of Belgrade, provided that they meet the mandatory requirements(necessary preknowledge, knowledge of the language of instruction, etc.).The University of Belgrade does not guarantee that visiting students will beable to enroll in any specific course until the very time of registration, andwe therefore encourage students to have a wide selection of courses ready atthe time of registration, as well as to get in touch with the specific faculty ofthe University of Belgrade to seek for more information on the curriculum.10 Visiting Students may not enroll in any faculty ofthe University of Belgrade without the previousnomination of their home university and withoutofficial consent of the authorities of the specificUB faculty in question.Language Of InstructionThe official language of instruction is Serbian.However, there are numerous accredited curriculain English.

Studying at theUniversity of BelgradeBecome a Student of theUniversity of BelgradeForeign citizens become students atthe University of Belgrade by: Enrolling in degree studies Exchange and mobility opportunitiesfor visiting studentsDegree StudiesDegree seeking foreign candidates whowish to become students of the University of Belgrade must first hold a validcertificate on previously completed cycleof education that proves the eligibility ofa candidate to apply for undergraduate,master or doctoral studies at the University of Belgrade. If all other general andspecific requirements are met, and uponsuccessful enrollment (e.g. successfullypassed entrance exam), a foreign citizenbecomes student of the entire study cycleat the University of Belgrade.At the first cycle of higher educationstudies at the University of Belgradeprospective students can chose betweenacademic and vocational studies, that is,between master and specialist studiesat the second cycle, respectively.At the third cycle of higher educationstudies, prospective students of the University of Belgrade can enroll in doctoralacademic studies. The University of Belgrade does not have vocational doctoratesas a part of its academic offer.Foreign students can also transfer from ahigher education institution abroad to theUniversity of Belgrade within the samecycle of education.For each listed option, general enrollment requirements for foreign citizensare the same as for the citizens of the