Certified Hyperbaric Technologist Resource ManualNational Board of Diving & Hyperbaric Medical Technology
T able of Contents0B0BT able of Contents. - 2 1BScope of Practice . 17BPurpose. 18BQualifying Pathways . 19BLegal Status. 110BCriminal Background Check . 12BCompetency Standards. 212BMinimum General Requirements . 213BGas Systems . 314BChamber Operations and Environment . 315BClinical Skills (supervised). 435BGeneralized Clinical Knowledge . 436BInfection control measures . 53BClinical Internship in Hyperbaric Technology . 516BIntroduction. 517BChamber Equipment . 637BChamber Compression Gas . 638BBreathing Gas Supply . 639BF ire Extinguishing Systems . 640BCommunications . 618BChamber Operations. 641BChamber Standard Operating Procedures. 642BChamber Emergency Operating Procedures . 643BChecklists, Decompression Tables and Treatment Protocols. 64BPatient Treatment and Staff Dive Records. 745BSupport Equipment and Supplies . 746BPatient Preparation, Loading and Unloading. 719BSafety . 747BF ire Safety . 748BPressure Safety . 720BPatient Assessment . 749BInitial Consultation. 750BOngoing Assessment. 851BF ollow-up Assessment. 821BPatient Care. 852BPatient Pre-treatment Briefing . 853BBarotrauma Management. 854BOxygen Toxicity Management . 85BHypoglycemia Management . 8Decompression Sickness Management. 857BPulmonary Barotrauma . 958BCardiopulmonary Complications. 959BInfection Control. 960BPatient Comfort. 961BWound Care . 962BDocumentation. 94BT ranscutaneous Oxygen (TCOM) Monitoring Module . 102BBackground . 1023BPurpose. 1024BDisclaimer . 1025BLearning Objectives . 10Examination Background . 16i
27BCertification/Recertification. 1663BExamination Registration . 1664BExpiration Date . 1765BRe-certification. 1728BContinuing Education Requirements . 1729BApplication for CHT-ADMIN . 1832BF ailing and Retaking the Exam. 18Testing Resource Materials . 195BDisciplinary Procedures. 193BNBDHMT Standards and Review of Certificate. 1934BScore Reports. 196BViolations . 1967BViolation of Board standards . BHearing. B . 20Evidence. BSanctions. 2171BAppeal . 2172BDecision. 21Position on Issued Credentials . 21ii
Scope of Practice1BPurposeThe purpose of this document is to describe the training and competencies necessary to becomecertified as a hyperbaric technologist. CHT is not an entry-level qualification, rather an additionalcertification beyond the applicant’s qualifying profession (refer to qualifying pathway list).7BQualifying Pathways1. Respiratory Therapist2. Physician Assistant8B3. Duty Military CorpsmanEMT/ParamedicRegistered Nurse or LPNNurse PractitionerPhysicianL egal StatusThis document has no legal status.9BCriminal Background CheckA criminal background check (paid for by applicant) is required for all applicants for CHT status.A felony conviction will disqualify an applicant as indicated below:10B1. All those who are convicted of an offense, the degree of which disqualifies anyindividual from employment within a health care setting that receives government(namely Medicare and Medicaid program payments) funds is permanentlyineligible to sit the CHT examination. This applies even if an individual choses notto work in a facility that receives government funds.2. If a subsequent background check on a current CHT notes conviction for anoffense consistent with No.1 above, that CHT will immediately and permanentlyforfeit their certification. They will not be considered eligible for re-certification atany subsequent time period.3. An exception to No.’s 1 and 2 above would be an individual who subsequently hadtheir conviction overturned or otherwise expunged from their criminal record.4. An individual who, upon application, is found to have a conviction, the degree ofwhich would prevent that individual from employment in a health care facility (asdefined in No. 1 above), for a period of five years, is likewise ineligible to sit theCHT examination for a period of five years from completion of their sentence.5. If a subsequent background check on a current CHT notes conviction of an offenseconsistent with No. 4 above, they will immediately forfeit their CHT certification.They will become eligible to re-apply for CHT status, as a new applicant, followinga period of five years from completion of their sentence.Training and Competency1B1. Be at least 18 years of age with a high school diploma or equivalent.2. CHT applicants must have completed a National Board of Diving & HyperbaricMedical Technology (NBDHMT) approved hyperbaric medicine introductorytraining course within three years of intended CHT test date.1
3. As part of the clinical internship, the CHT must complete the TranscutaneousOxygen Monitoring (TCOM) Module.4. Upon completion of an approved course, CHT applicants must undergo a clinicalwork experience of 480 hours in undersea, hyperbaric medicine or aviation medicaltechnology. Forty (40) hours of this requirement must be a supervised direct andphysically present clinical internship. The Board must be notified in writing of thename of the preceptor prior to commencing the internship. The preceptor shouldbe either a CHT or a CHRN with a minimum of two years experience.5. Military personnel must complete 1000 clinical hours in addition to required,approved, training received in the military (unless 480 hour s of approved clinicalinternship can be completed at an NBDHMT approved facility)6. Maintain a minimum 24 continuing education credits every two years with at least12 of those specific to undersea/hyperbaric operations, technical and safetyaspects. See continuing education requirements, page 17.Competency Standards2BThis document describes the minimum general requirements and competency levels required of aCHT .Minimum General RequirementsUnderstand:1. Physical aspects of pressurized exposure2. Basic calculations for the conversion of common pressure units used in diving andhyperbaric practice (examples include feet/meters, psi/bar/kPa, Kg/pound etc.)3. Basic physical units used in diving and hyperbaric practice4. Boyle’s Law (calculating air volumes, air consumption and the inverse relationshipbetween pressure and volume)5. Dalton’s Law (partial pressure of gases at various depths)6. Gay Lussac’s Law (the relationship between pressure and temperature changesin a fixed volume)7. Henry’s Law (the effect of gas partial pressures on solubility of various gases inliquids and their corresponding eff