Welcome Professionals,Ardell Brow welcomes you to the latest trend and thebiggest beauty service in the last decade! BROWS!!! TheArdell Brow Design & Extension course is now available toyou.Eyebrow design and extensions are a billion dollar industrywith brow bars popping up everywhere! Eyebrow Feathering& Extensions are an excellent way to increase yourknowledge, services in the salon and to fast-track yourcareer. The techniques are easy (with practice), long-lastingand designed for immediate income! Ardell Brow was writtenby professionals for professionals and is taught by our ArdellBrow certified licensed professional instructors.Brow Feathering and Extensions are a natural add-on to yourexisting service menu or a service all on its own. Brow artistswill be applying brow feathering & brow extensions for manyyears to come. Once clients have a wonderful experienceand see the lasting, luxurious results, they are hooked. Buildyour client base, maintain loyal customers and increase retailspending. A wonderful repeat business!A professional Ardell Brow instructor will demonstrate the3-Step procedure: Defining Brow Shape, Feathering andExtensions. In addition you will be shown the importance ofthe client consultation, sanitation, contraindications, set-up& preparation, care of extensions, as well as proper browremoval. We want you to succeed and we are here to helpyou achieve your goals and beyond!Sincerely,The Ardell Brow Professional Team
T R A I N I N GT A B L EO FM A N U A LC O N T E N T SI.Course Description. 1II.Training Itinerary. 2III.Kit Contents. 2IV.Hair Growth Stages . 4V.Safety & Sanitation . 5VI.Set-up . 6A. Room Set-up.6B. Client Set-up / Consultation. 7VII. Ardell Brow Design Procedures. 9A. Step 1: Creating the Basic Brow Shape . 9B. Step 2: Feather Design Technique. 11C. Step 3: Brow Extension Technique. 11VIII. Proper After Care.12IX.Brow Design & Extension Removal.13X.Marketing Ideas & Suggestions.13XI.Frequently Asked Questions.14XII. How to Become Certified.18XIII. Liability Release Form.19
I. Course DescriptionYou will be shown the fundamentals of how to custom design andcompletely transform your client’s eyebrows. With practice, youcan recreate brows that are tailor-made for each client’s personalneeds. This program is suitable for all demographics, from natural brows, clients desiring trendy designer brows, to those thatneed brow corrections such as filling in gaps or covering up scars.Beautiful brows are now available to both men and women of allages and concerns.The Ardell Brow 3-step process will have you creating realisticsemi-permanent brows in no time at all. The 1st step, Creatingthe Basic Brow Shape, sets the foundation for the perfect brow.Step 2 is the Feather Design Technique which allows you to create shape, add length and/or fullness with a textured appearanceby applying fine, feather-like strokes on the skin to mimic natural brow hair. This also provides a base on which to apply browextensions. The last step, Brow Extension Technique, allows youto artistically apply individual hairs one by one directly onto thefeathering foundation or the existing natural brow hairs to create anatural, fuller brow or to create a dramatic effect.Certification will be e-mailed to you after you have submitted 4case studies to your instructor. (See certification requirementson page 18).What You Will Learn: The fundamentals of how to safely design a natural-lookingbrow, designer brow or special-effects brows using theArdell Brow 3-step process. Understand how to properly set-up and hold your toolsfor safety as well as knowing the importance of the clientconsultation, sanitation, set-up & preparation, care ofbrows, and proper removal. How the brow trend has grown in the last few years. Marketing ideas.1
Who will benefit from this course? Estheticians Cosmetologists Make-up Artists Lash & Brow Spas Nail Techs (check your state board) Retailers Beauty supply distributorsII. Training ItineraryDate:Instructor:LocationTIME*TOPIC10:00 AM – 10:20 AM10:20 AM – 10:30 AM10:30 AM – 11:00 AM11:00 AM – 12:30 AM12:30 PM – 1:30 PM1:30 PM – 2:00 PM2:00 PM – 3:30 PM3:30 PM – 4:30 PM4:30 PM – 5:00 PMIntroduction / KitIntroduction to Ardell Brow Design ProceduresSanitation, Safety & Client ConsultationFull Demo by Trainer on ModelLunchFeathering Practice on HandStudent Practice on Each Other (One Brow)Q & A and Marketing IdeasCase Study Requirements for Certificate* Time subject to changeIII. Kit ContentsBlack Adhesive 0.34 ozClear Adhesive 0.34 ozFlexible Bond 0.34 ozStrawberry Blonde Textured Powder2
Soft Taupe Textured PowderMedium Brown Textured PowderDark Brown Textured PowderSoft Black Textured PowderLight Brown Brow Extensions 1 pkMedium Brown Brow Extensions 1 pkDark Brown Brow Extensions 1 pkBlack Brow Extensions 1 pkDesign Tools 6 ctBrow Cleanse 2 ozBrow Exfoliate 2 ozBrow Erase 0.5 ozBrow PencilDual Mixer/Spatula ToolPlastic Rings 12 ctDisposable Plastic Cups 60 ctMetal Rings 3 ctPointed TweezersCurved ScissorsGlass DishBrow Grooming Wands 25 ctBrow Remover Swabs 50 ctColor ChartInstruction ManualClient Consultation Cards 25 pkWindow ClingBlack Cosmetic Bag3
IV. Hair Growth StagesIndividual hairs are formed inside what is called the hair bulb foundat the base of the hair follicle. The follicle is positioned, usually ata slant growing out of the skin. The bulb shape at the base of thefollicle contains an egg-shaped cavity filled with loose tissue. Thisis the dermal papilla, and it contains the cells and blood vesselsnecessary for the growth and nourishment from the follicle. Thesebaceous (oil) ducts attached to the follicle are responsible forlubrication of the skin and hair. Moderate amounts of secretionfrom the sebaceous glands are essential for healthy skin and hair.Blood vessels also aid in healthy skin and hair. Vitamins, minerals,and other nutrients needed for strong, healthy hair is brought tothe hair follicle by tiny blood vessels. In the same way, medicationsmay have ingredients that will adversely affect hair health.Hair grows differently for everyone. Hair growth is dependent ondiet, health, weight, metabolism, medications, ethnicity, hormones, age, and other factors. However, all hair goes throughthree distinct growing phases. All three phases occur simultaneously. While one strand of hair may be in the anagen phaseanother is in the telogen phase. Anagen Phase: Also known as the Active growthphase can last up to several years and can be geneticallydetermined. Approximately 85% of our body hair is in thisphase. This is also the phase where there is anabundance of melanin. Catagen Phase: Also known as the Regressivephase. It is not known what triggers the hair to movefrom the active growth phase to the catagen phase.4
This is a short phase lasting approximately two weeks,during which the hair stops growing but is still attachedat the root. About 3-4% of our body hair is in thecatagen phase at any given time. Telogen Phase: Also known as the Resting Phase.This phase lasts approximately 5-6 weeks at whichtime the end of the hair falls out and a new hair beginsto form. Approximately 10-13% of the body hair is inthis phase.Main Reasons for Thinning Brows: Hypothyroidism: causes thinning or loss of hairAlopecia Areata: Total or partial hair lossChemotherapyPrescription drugsAutoimmune diseaseHormonal imbalances (including pregnancy)Skin conditions: including skin growths, skin cancers,psoriasis, dermatitis, and fungal infectionsV. Safety & SanitationThe eye area is one of the most sensitive and easily irritatedareas of the body. Safety and health is a vital aspect of any browdesign & extension application. In order to maintain the utmostprofessionalism, to create a safe environment, and a comfortable experience for your clients, you should follow these safetyguidelines. Wash and disinfect your hands.Clean and sterilize implements. To ensure that harmfulbacteria and other agents do not come in contactwith your client’s eyes, adequately clean all of yourapplicators, tweezers and other instruments that comeinto direct contact with client’s eyebrow. Clean andsanitize between clients according to your area's StateBoard regulations.Always perform a Patch Test (predisposition test) beforeapplying Ardell Brow adhesive/s for Feathering orExtensions. Follow your State Boards regulations forperforming a patch test.5
Ask client to remove contacts or glasses. Have clientplace their contacts or glasses in a safe place.Have client remain still during application. Due to thehigh risk of injury to the eye area, it is important that youinform your client to stay completely still while you aredoing the brow application. If they need to move, askthem to give you a warning. Keeping movement to aminimum drastically eliminates the potential for a seriousinjury as well as assuring the proper application of brows.Ask client to turn off cell phones to avoid disruption anddistractions.Maintain sufficient elbow room directly behind you toavoid being accidentally knocked, bumped or pushedinto your client while working on their extensions.Follow the directions carefully when using Ardell Browadhesive/s.Factors to consider before performing an Ardell Browservice: Is the client on chemotherapy?Have they had any recent eyebrow tattoos?Is their skin inflamed?Do they have a sunburn, rash or hypersensitive skin?Do they have severe acne or open lesions?Have they had any resurfacing treatments; microdermabrasion or chemical peels in the last 72 hours?Is there anything abnormal around the eyebrow area?If in doubt, do not perform the application at that timeand have client present you with a Dr.’s permission slip.Contraindications in applying Ardell BrowA Contraindication is a condition or factor that increases therisks involved in determining a client’s suitability forArdell Brow.It is important to both the technician and the client to be awareof and able to identify certain contraindications. When in doubtalways consult a physician and never provide the service if youhave any uncertainty.VI. Set-upA.6Room Set-Up1. Massage bed or reclining beauty/treatment chair2. If in a facial room, clean linens/paper roll stool or chair for technician if desiredRoll-about (set up ALL products in Ardell BrowProfessional Kit. Place utensils in sterilizer)Hand SanitizerEye wash kit as a precautionTightly woven towels (not terry)Hand mirrorTrash canHamper with lidAcetoneTissuesExtra tweezersDisposable gloves (optional)Client Set-up / Consultation1. Have the client arrive early to discuss the Ardell Browdesign procedure. Invite the client to ask questionsand address each one as best as possible. This assistsin comforting a new or anxious client by preventing anymisconceptions.2. Have your client fill out a client release form.3. Have your client fill out a client consultation form. Ifwaxing, they will also need to fill out a wax consultationcard.4.Perform a patch test (predisposition test) 24 hoursbefore the procedure. Apply the products you will beusing behind the ear or inside of elbow to determine ifyour client has allergies to the product. Follow your7 Board regulations regarding patch testrequirements. Have your client return to confirm if thetests show any adverse reactions. If there is no reactionyou may proceed with the brow design procedure. Ifthere is a reaction, remove the product as soon aspossible.Review the Consultation Form (Assuming patch testis negative) to confirm the desired design (Natural, Thick& Full, Designer, Fill-in’s, etc.)Discuss with client what to expect explaining ifnecessary what you might need to correct i.e. sparseor missing brows, lifting the arch, balance the brows etc.Be sure you & your client completely understand thedirection and expectations before you begin your browapplication.It is a good idea if client arrives with their make-up onso you can see how they wear their brows.Have your client rest comfortably on the treatment bedor chair. You may find it necessary to adjust the heightof the bed or chair depending on the way you and theclient are positioned. Keep your elbows close to yourbody. Be aware of your posture and hand positioningthroughout the procedure to avoid causing your clientany discomfort or uneasiness.Reassure your client that the procedure will be relaxing.(Most clients will fall asleep!)Ask client to remove their glasses or contacts.Drape the client with a light draping cloth.Use a headband if needed.Remove the client’s brow make-up. It is ok to leave eyemake-up on.Ask if client is comfortableAsk client to turn off cell phones to avoid disruption anddistractionsApply manicure mittens with lotion and warm towels(optional)NOTE: It is important to have your client fill out Client Consultation & Legal Forms before each brow service. Add your ownquestions to fit the needs